Chapter 20

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"Wait. Mom, awe you sewious?" Zuma asked

Christina smiled nervously "Yeah kiddo, I am. I'm getting married again."

"Guys, let's go back in the basement and leave these two alone." Chase said.

Everyone silently agree and walked out. Zuma turned to his mother with a frown on his face.

"B-But what about dad? What about getting back together with him?" Zuma asked, his voice raising.

Christina sighed, taking Zuma's hands in her's "Zuma. I know you love your dad, but he and I have moved on to separate people. Please, tell me you understand."

Zuma looked to the ground. His mind was yelling no, forget all of this. But his heart was telling him to make his mother happy and accept. He couldn't choose, both were good sides.

But, when he looked into his mother's eyes, he saw hope and love. He looked into the eyes of the women who had made him into the teen he was today. She had been a single mother ever since he was five, and had always been there for him.

"I do. And I'm weally happy fow you Mom." Zuma said with a weak smile.

Christina squealed and hugged her son tightly "Oh my little surfer! Thank you!"

"M-Mom! I...can't...bweath!" Zuma wheeze

Christina let go quickly, feeling giddy inside "Sorry! It's just, I'm so happy my little man is on board with this!"

"Couwse I do Mom. If it makes you happy, than I'm happy." Zuma smiled

Christina let out a little squeal again "That's my boy! I'm gonna tell John! I'll see you at dinner sweetie, love you!"

Zuma waved as he saw his mom rush to the door. He sighed and sat on the couch, his hands clutching his head.

"Hey." A soft, smooth voice came from next to him.

Zuma looked up and saw his boyfriend smiling above him "Hey Wocky, what's up?"

"I saw what you did. And I know this must be a new change for you. Trust me, I do. But seeing your mom happy is the most thoughtful thing I've ever seen you do." Rocky whispered, cupping Zuma's cheeks.

Zuma leaned in to the touch, smiling at Rocky's warm words "Thanks baby. But you know what would make me feel even more better?"

"What?" Rocky giggled, pretending not to know.

"A kiss." Zuma mutter with a playful smirk.

Rocky copied the smirk and leaned in. Zuma met his lips, moaning happily. Suddenly, the door slammed open and footsteps headed towards them. Before the two could pull away though, a certain someone came through the living room.

"I just forgot my...oh wow." Christina said in shock.

Rocky squeaked and jumped away from Zuma quickly, covering his mouth with both hands. The two blushed deeply as they stared at Zuma's mom. Christina stared back, clearly shocked. But then she smile and nodded understandingly.

"M-Mom! I-I...I." Zuma stuttered up an excuse.

Christina held up her hand to stop him "It's alright Zuma. And don't worry, I approve."

Christina walked away again, leaving the two shocked and flustered. They didn't say anything after that, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Wow..." The duo said

"Your mom is...very supportive." Rocky said, feeling unsure.

"Yeah. Maybe it's the whole wedding thing going to hew head." Zuma shrugged

"Sooo, now what?" Zuma asked

Rocky rubbed his chin "Wanna go make out in Marshall and my room?"

"Awesome!" Zuma cheered

The couple ran upstairs with joined hands. Unnoticeable to them though, a camera viewed everything in the window.

"Got it. This is going to be on the school website for sure!" The figure chuckled and ran.

'Time Skip'

The gang were all relaxing in the bedroom. Either snuggling, chatting with each other or talking up in small groups. Chase felt his phone buzz and picked it up. His eyes widened, dropping his phone in shock.

"Oh. My. God." Chase whispered

All the noise Chase made caused the others to rush to his side. Skye picked up his phone and gasped.

"Oh fuck no." Skye hissed

"What?" Everyone but Chase asked.

Skye turned the phone around and showed everyone the picture. It was Zuma and Rocky on Marshall's couch, kissing. There were words are the bottom that said 'Gays losing their virginity! Should be banned from school!'.

"What the hell?!" Zuma screamed

"Oh hell no." Everest said with rage

"Who would do this?" Rocky said sadly with Marshall rubbing his back for comfort.

"Wait. Let me see that." Marshall said, grabbing the phone from Skye.

Marshall narrowed his eyes and turned the phone upside down. Fingers were shaped like a heart around Zuma and Rocky with a ring on the ring finger in the left hand.

"Oh my god. I know who this is." Marshall gasped

"Who?" Zuma growled

"Joseph's assistant, Jayde. That's how Joseph knows everything about everyone." Marshall explained

"Wait, Jayde? As in Jayde Hallow?" Chase asked, causing Marshall to nodded.

"How do you two know?" Lyra asked

"Jayde use to go to our elementary school. We use to be friends until we realized he was such a fake bitch." Chase grumbled and narrowed his eyes at the detail memory.

"What did he do?" Rubble asked

"We were at lunch and he came to us that day. He stood up on the table and called for everyone's attention. He pointed at us and exposed us to the entire school, even the teachers, about secrets we tell and swore to keep it to ourselves." Marshall said sadly, looking up at Chase "I had to hold Chase back so hard that day. I never seen him so angry like that. We had to leave early and skip school for a couple of days."

"Now he's a back and I'm gonna make sure I beat his ass." Chase growled and stood.

"Chase." Skye warned

"Don't Chase. I know you want revenge, and I do too. But we have to be smart about it." Marshall said softly but sternly, walking up to him "He and Joseph are now after Rocky and Zuma. Now is not the time to think about revenge, but the time to think about our friends."

Chase looked into Marshall's eyes and sighed defeatedly. He knew his best friend was right, no matter how much he wanted to get his hands around Jayde's neck and strangle him. That's when something came to him causing him to smirk.

"Fine. But if we're thinking of a plan, we'll have to do it my way?" Chase asked, his smirk getting wider.

"And what's that?" Skye asked with her hands on her hips.

"Code Black." Chase said

Marshall gasped "You evil monster of a genius! Jayde will never suspect a thing. "

The two laughed and high fived. The gang looked at each other knowing whatever the two were up to, it was not good.

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