~chapter 2~

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Violets pov
I sit and draw with splatter while ink is doing something I guess..a-anyway I was thinking what would happen if sans and pap found out if I was gone."Hey...I think I should be heading back now.." I told Ink and splatter. "Okie dokie lokie" Ink then snaps his fingers then teleports me back.

Glitches pov
I cry while nightmare puts me in a cage with a collar. "Wh-why're you doing this to me..?" I ask him while sniffling. "Because sweetheart~ I love you~"as he replied with a smirk on his face and a feel a tentacle rubbing my butt. I shiver full of fear in my eyes. I then try backing away slowly but then he grabs me with another tentacle. I scream but her covers my mouth with..yet another tentacle. I start to sob but then I hear a noise,he hears it to so he lets me go. "See you later sweet cheeks~" he then walks away.

(Poor glitch ;w;)

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