~chapter 3~

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Splatters pov
I've been pretty bored lately so I'll check on my friend glitch to see how's she's doing but i gotta avoid error like my bro says or else he'll kill me. I snap my fingers and teleported to this terrible place error and glitch live...but she's not here...huh.. so I teleported to see where Dream is so he could help me find glitch but he's busy..but then I see...wait is that glitch in a cage!? Nightmare hears me.shit I said that out loud didn't i?..I then hide somewhere sneaking around nightmare and trying to help glitch out of the cage she was in.

Glitches pov
Splatter helps me out of this cage and it worked! "Thank you splatter" I whispered to her. "No problem glitch" she then teleported me back to error and she teleported back to where she was before

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