Pieces Of My Heart

474 22 1
  • Dedicated to The Band of Pentatonix


"The VIP guests will be here in ten, hurry it up!" The band's producer yelled and the group walked toward the table where they'd greet everyone. 

Like always, Kirstie was excited: 

"Yayyy! Tour is the best thing ever!" She spoke while bouncing up and down. 

"Can you stop that yay for once?!" Scott jokingly snapped. 

"No." The girl flipped her hair and everyone laughed. 

To be honest, everyone of them was excited, they just opted not to show it like how Kirstie did since she was most outgoing person in the group and everyone knew her would know that she's like a mobile dictionary, always have foresights of what she would do and the easiest one in the group to let her emotions slipped out of control, which is a pretty bad thing. 

Avi blended in: "You are so predictable." 

"I am predictable." She spun around to talked to him while walking backward. 

"Predictable is a bad thing, right?" Kevin asked and everyone shrugged. 

They reached the table, sat down and stared blankly at the gray metal door in front of them. Now is the wait and prepare game. 

The group hated these moments the most when they're about to met people who adored them and have paid real moneys to meet them and during these periods of time, they'd bombarded themselves with thousand of questions, do they look good enough, what if they suddenly do something embarrassing or how'd they react to a fan's question,... 

All of these anchors are starting to get heavier and heavier as the clock ticked. 

"I hate this game." Kirstie remarked and the boys groaned. "Thanks for bringing that up." 

"What the... my god... If we're recording PTXperience now no doubt there'd be hell on Twitter and Youtube." She face-palmed herself seeing the boys were no better than her. 

"You guys are supposed to be cool!" She gestured and frowned. 

"Yeah... Like you are better." Mitch rolled his eyes and she opened her mouth to retort, but ended up without anything seeing that he has a point. 

"See you agreed that I've a point." Mitch giggled smugly and Kirstie casted a dark glance toward him. 

She stood up, took Mitch into a headlock and growled in an un-lady like manner: "I will beat the..." 

The guests took that moment to barged in through the door and the band stared at them blankly seeing the not-good-at-all timing and the fans stared back like What-the-hell-is-going-on? 

"Uhhh..." Mitch started awkwardly. 

"We're just..." Kirstie's face heated up and she released Mitch and sat down on her chair. 

"Let's get this started guys!" Avi exclaimed loudly to break the large chunk of ice that has accidentally floated in front of them and the guests. 

The room suddenly filled with a new, almost foreign friendly air as everyone started to compliment them and asked them million of questions. 

"Take it easy guys!" Kevin laughed. 

"Alright, one at a time, please!" Mitch said and everyone started to get into a line, one by one talked to the band and they exchanged gifts which including fluffy and squishy teddy bears, tiny replicas of themselves, plant in the pot, sketches,... and other creative stuffs their fans have done for them. There are so much gifts they couldn't even count. 

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