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Blue Thief's POV

I walked over to the fridge, opening it to grab something to eat. I sighed, since there wasn't much. I guess I'll have to restock...

There was only enough food for a couple more days. I don't have a job or money to buy some, so stealing was the only way for me to survive.

I eventually became known as 'The Blue Thief.' I'm not proud of the name, it's actually quite embarrassing. I only steal so I could live another day, I never meant to cause harm.

My real name is Tom, Tom Ristle. I'm one of the villagers at Kingdom Sevilade. Not many people know me, since I usually lay low. In fact, no one probably knows I exist. Not even the king, and the king knows everyone!

I was heading over to the market, hands in my pockets and keeping my hoodie over my head. I had my gun in my pocket, preparing to take it out. I would never dream of killing anyone, I only had it with me just in case something goes wrong.

I opened the double doors, slamming them loudly, grabbing the attention of everyone in the store. I pulled out my gun, pointing it at the employees and the villagers shopping. A few gasps spread around the room, everyone fearing for their lives.

"Put your hands in the air!" I shouted. "I will not hesitate to shoot!"

The villagers did as told, frantically waving their arms in the air. I smirked, satisfied at their obedience.

I decided to let my guard drop, since only a fool would stand up to me. I walked over to the food aisle, grabbing what I needed. I shoved as many cans as I could in my bag.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my back. I dropped my belongings, collapsing on the floor in pain.

I looked up to see the owner of the market holding a knife, an angry expression on his face. He grabbed my arm, causing me to yelp in pain. I tried to grab my gun, but he quickly kicked it to the side.

He dragged me to the front of the store, tying me up. I tried to fight back but he was too strong. Everyone in the market cheered and clapped for the owner.

"You're a hero!" a female shouted.

"Thank you for finally capturing  him!" another exclaimed.

'Shit, someone probably alerted the king by now...' I thought. 'Is this where I finally die? I know for a fact he's going to execute me...'

I looked around the market, seeing people's faces scrunch up in disgust looking at me. I don't blame them. If someone had been stealing from me for many years, I'd hate them too.

Well, I guess I'll just have to wait until the king gets here. . .


stay sparkling

||You Stole My Heart|| Thief! Tom x King! Tord (Tomtord)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora