Chapter 1: A new life on Earth and going on a new date

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The sky was light blue color look onto it as the sun rose shining down on the ground, birds were chirping, and flowers blooming too. It was such a lovely day to for a someone who comes right out of the opening into the very bright sun. As it was some female saiyan with a tail, who had the same hair as Raditz, wearing some jeans, a body that looks almost like Fasha's, a face that looks like Videl's if she were ever a saiyan that is, and her name was, Sabi.

Sabi yawns and stretches as she wonders on what would she like to do as she gets out her list of what to do today. "Let see, I got a date with this man named Greg. And he told me we would be going out for tonight and-" 

Sabi's growls in hunger, as she groans putting her hand on it. It was just upsetting that she had to do something to fill up with. She runs to the fridge as she notices a big ass looking cake that she was saving to have in case something like this would happen.

Sabi grabs each slice of cake, and eats them one by one. Stuffing her hungry growling. "Man, my stomach wasn't ever like this back before my planet that I used to be on got destroyed. If only I had prevented him from destroying it." Sabi thought to herself while eating her cake.

Her stomach suddenly caused her pant belt to suddenly snapped right off, as the belt would smash something. Sabi's belly bulges and dropped down onto her knees after what just happen.

She looks down on her belly that was bulging out. "What the! What the hell happen there?" Sabi thinks to herself, putting both sides on her bulging gut. "This never happens, like how did I suddenly got a flabby belly all of sudden. It's not because my hunger is it?"

The pudgy saiyan girl goes to grab her phone and wonders how is she gonna fix this. With a pudgy belly that she have right now. That of course is when Sabi, snapping her fingers as she suddenly had an idea to think of what she can do!

"I know what to do!" She says, zipping her pants up and hiding her fat pudgy belly underneath it. "With my belly like this, Greg will never know the difference with me. Or I think? Hmm..."

Sabi's phone suddenly rings as it was a voice message from Greg. Who is a girlfriend of Sabi's in case you do not know. 

She starts the voice message that was sent by Greg and listens to it.

"Hi Sabi this is Greg, I wanted to give you a message to tell you that we are going on a date to a new restaurant since I heard that you can eat a lot. And that is no joke, cause we are going to this new buffet restaurant tonight. If you are in the mood to go have something to eat to fill your hungry gut. Anyways, I'm gonna end this message. So bye."

The voice messaged then ended as a anime sweat drop appears next to Sabi's head as this seems to be a very bad idea to go on. "How am I gonna explain this to Greg, since we are going on this date?" She thinks to herself as she walks around in the circle as thought about going on the date tonight with Greg. Since he is her girlfriend and she can't denied him after meeting him for when she first came to her before she forgot her mission was.


"Well, guess I better get ready for the date to come tonight. But what am I gonna wear for the date?" Sabi goes up to her closet, checking to find which dress should she wear as she go through each and one of them from left and right. As she notice a black looking dress.

"Oh that dress will do!" Sabi says as she switches from the clothes she is wearing, into the black dress. She walks up to the mirror, looking at her self as it makes her self look pretty sexy. "These clothes will do~ Cause I have a date with a man tonight!"

Sabi opens the door to her and exits it, closing it back up as she would heads to the new restaurant that Greg told her about.

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