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Hello and welcome to the first chapter of "This is me".

As you might have guessed, this is where I write out whatever crosses my mind.

I might tell you a bit about myself as a person.

I might ramble about a topic I'm really excited or passionate about.

I might wax philosophically about every man and his dog.

I might share experiences.

I might unleash a rant about something or someone that annoyed me.

In short? What other people have a tumblr for, I have this :) I will always include the date of when I first posted a chapter because obviously, some things might change over time.

Feel free to comment, ask questions (though I can't guarantee that I will answer all of them), add your own thoughts or experiences, offer your own opinions (though I would ask you to keep it respectful).

So, as an introduction, here are a few things about me:

I was born in 1998.

I speak multiple languages including English, German and French.

I am fairly small (5' 3 / 1.61 m).

I love music and I have been playing an instrument since I was 6 years old.

I like reading and can spend hours in a bookstore without getting bored.

I have started writing around the age of 10 and published my first complete fanfiction online when I was 14. (It's terrible though which makes me glad that I have a different username now...)

This is me - Bio, Thoughts and Other RamblingsWhere stories live. Discover now