Tagged: Oh boy

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Thank you crunchy_biscuit_base for tagging me, it was quite unexpected but hey, why not :) It's something new instead of digging out another internet Q&A thingy.

The rules are as follows:

1. You have to post the rules.

2. You must say 13 things about yourself.

3. If you don't do this in a week, the person who tagged you gets to think of a punishment.

4. Tag must be a chapter and not a comment.

5. Tag 15 people.

6. The chapter has to have a creative title.

So, apart from possibly rule 6, I think I got it all covered.

Okay, 13 things about me... umm....

1. I love languages. Which isn't surprising given that I have a degree in Applied Languages and work as a proofreader for a language service provider.

2. I like a variety of music styles and genres, but I have a particular fondness for musicals. My top 4 favourite musicals are (in no particular order) Les Misérables, Newsies, Cats, and Elisabeth.

Sheesh, this is hard. This is like those ice breaking exercises where you have to do like 'two truths one lie' or 'tell us about yourself'... I'm just no good at those. My brain just shuts down in those situations.

3. I think I might be ace. I think sex is criminally overrated, all the sex scenes in movies and books are unnecessary for me to know these two characters like each other and it just blows my mind that people actually look at complete strangers and think 'oh yes, I want to have sex with them'.

4. I'm a Hufflepuff. Though in the extended sorting hat quiz, I also had a really large Slytherin percentage, which I - contrary to everbody else - find unsurprising.

5. People have a hard time guessing my age. Some think I'm in my mid-twenties, others think I don't look old enough to be out on my own past midnight. I mostly find it entertaining, especially when they get all flustered and apologetic after I tell them my real age.

6. I hate shopping for clothes/shoes. I don't understand how people can do this at regular intervals and how they can enjoy this.

Ummm.... what else could I say? Oh boy, this is sooo difficult. Anyone else instantly forget every little semi-interesting thing about themselves when they're asked to talk about themselves?

7. I randomly made a tumblr blog this year. Currently, it has two posts and probably zero followers. I'm not sure about the last part though because I haven't logged on in months and I would first have to find my password...

8. The first show I bingewatched was Flashpoint. The longest show I ever watched from start to finish is M*A*S*H. (That might change if I ever pick up Supernatural again.)

9. My favourite comic books/movies are the Asterix comics. Growing up, I also read Lucky Luke and Duck Tales, though. My favourite cartoons are Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry.

10. I have never broken a bone and I have never had a nosebleed.

11. There's only one household chore I absolutely refuse to do and that is taking out the compost. I don't really like cooking. I don't mind doing laundry, doing the dishes or vacuuming. I actually like cleaning the bathrooms and ironing. But whenever possible, I avoid taking out the compost.

Alright, two points left. I can do this. Think, brain, think.

12. I have only overslept / slept through my alarm once in my life. It was the last day of 5th semester at uni and I had really planned on going to the first class in the morning (French Grammar at 8 am, meaning I would have to get up at 6:30).
When I woke up, I realised my alarm had in fact gone off but had silenced itself after 5 minutes. It was 8:25 am. Needless to say, I didn't go to that last French Grammar class of the semester. But I went to the 10 am class, which I think was Translation English-German.

13. I always have chewing gum in my bag. I got into the habit while I was at uni. I often only had 25 minutes lunch break and chewing gum got rid of the food taste in my mouth. It's also great for when you're nauseous, I found. It helps me focus, is good to de-stress, and when I got anxiety flashes, chewing gum also helped me settle.

Whooo, there we go. 13 things about me. If you have any questions, feel free to add them and I'll respond to them in a separate chapter.

Now for the poor souls I have to tag:
















Sorry guys, I hope you don't mind.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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