This is me Internet Q&A 2

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Date: 10/02/2019

So, I'm bored and I kinda like these questionaires which is why I decided to do another one... If you have any other questions you'd like me to answer, feel free to shoot me a comment or PM.

1. What does your name mean?

Hope. But I read somewhere that it can also mean "morning dew" or "generosity".

2. Which of your parents are you closest to?

My mother.

3. Which of your parents are you more like?

Also my mum. I am a lot like her, actually.

4. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?

Alexander. Not a bad name, I think.

5. What has required the most courage of you in your life so far?

Breaking up with my then-boyfriend. But I'm sure there are other things that required a lot of courage that just don't come to mind right now.

6. Favourite colour?

I like most colours, some more than others. I'm generally not a fan of neon colours though. The only colour I really dislike is pink. No particular reason for it, though, I just can't stand it.

7. What is your favorite music genre?

Uhhh... no idea. It's usually not about the genre or the band/singer, but about the song itself for me. But I enjoy soundtracks, musicals, some rock or even hard rock, pop... and probably about 18 other genres that I don't know the names of.

8. Are you scared of heights?

Not really. Being really high up and looking straight down makes me uncomfortable, but I wouldn't say I'm scared of heights.

9. Are you afraid of the dark?

No. I'm uncomfortable when I'm in unfamiliar surroundings in complete darkness, but darkness itself doesn't scare me.

10. Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage it head-on?

Avoid it. Like, seriously, I hate conflict. I get sick to my stomach from it. But if it's inevitable, I face it and do my best to de-escalate or at least get my point across as calmly and respectfully as possible.

11. Are you a good cook?

I do okay in the kitchen. I'm not a master chef, but I can cook. I just don't like doing it. A fact which once caused an elderly lady on the bus to fear for the salvation of my soul because she worried that I wouldn't find a husband like that. Long story... Maybe I'll tell it in this book sometime.

12. Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?


13. Can you dance?

Well... I know the basic box step for a waltz. But no, I can't dance. I'd love to be able to, though. Haven't had the time or opportunity for a dance class yet.

14. Do you save old letters and greeting or birthday cards? Throw them away?

I save them and by now, I have a large box full of cards and letters. Every once in a blue moon, I pull them out and look through some of them.

15. Do you sleep with the lights on or off?

People sleep with the lights on? I literally can't fall asleep if it isn't dark outside. I always have the lights off, the blinds shut and curtains drawn.

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