Chapter 17

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The lyrics to Jasey Rae shattered my sleepy state. I slammed my hand down on the table, hoping I hit my phone.

After a few failed attempts,the music stopped. That song has now been ruined forever.

Groggily, I yawned. I am not a morning person.

After 5 minuets of my body not cooperating, I finally managed to get up. The struggle is real.

I clicked my phone on. 21:47pm. Too late for breakfast,

I was stumbling down the stairs when I realised; it was Wednesday. I should be at school.

My legs raced as fast as possible to the kitchen. My mum was sat, staring down at the floor. She looked up at me, sadness in her eyes.

"Mum, I should be at school? What's happening?". A tear spilled over her eyelid.

"Honey, you should sit down...". A horrible feeling grew in the pits if my stomach. I couldn't help but think it had something to do with a certain purple haired boy.

"Mum, what is going on?" A trembling voice asked. It was I fact my voice.

"I don't know how to tell you..." Her lips trembled.

"Schools closed.... Because.... You know what, just read this." A newspaper was thrust into my hands.

I scanned over the text, unreadable emotions growing with every word.

"What? How could he!".

The purple haired boy had made the front page again.


He'd done it again. Just more proof of his demonic form.

"Who was it?".

She let out a sob.




Sorry guys, it's part of the plot. :(.

So Ashton's is romantic, this one is scary, Calum's is going to be cute, and Luke's will be funny :)

Please don't hate me!

-Ellie x

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