chapter 13

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I'm soo sorry that I haven't been posting but this chapter might be short sorry again.

Also third POV

Alexander was just in class thinking of what should he do about Thomas and Laurens. Deciding which one of them he likes. He was thinking of meeting Thomas and talking it out but it came in mind to him now that he has feelings, so now he is srewd.

And he can talk to John because that's awkward for him and because he likes him. So he had an idea that hey maybe he should hangout with both one at a time and then choose which one he likes.

Easy than said than done.

John's POV  (ps switching writing style )

I'm walking in the halls to my next class to hear Thomas talking to his collie of a group about something but I didn't think nothing of so I kept walking.

Then Laf comes to me out of breath and said.

"Bro I know you heard that." He said panting.

"No I didn't heard what." I said confused.

"Man Thomas said Alexander went to his house and they Um.. kissed. " He said in disbelief.

"What he kissed Thomas." I said out loud but no was here to hear me.

"Shhh, yes quit being loud mon ami." He says. I in disbelief why would Alex kiss jeffershit.

"Do you think that's why he's been acting weird." I ask.

"I don't  know but we can try asking."

"But wouldn't he had come to us or me, I thought he felt the same."I say feeling a little hurt.

"Don't feel say mon ami I bet he's still likes you." Laf say trying to cheer me up.

Then we start walking to class, man I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. That why would he do it and no I'm not jealous it's just that Thomas is ugh😝 and he annoying. Acts like he's all that, all high and mighty, oh hey I'm Thomas the king bow down to me you peasants. Like nah I'm not down for that you better think twice before you tell me to bow to you. I'm not the one I don't take  that bullshit.

Ok im sorry it's short hopefully I have more ideas because I'm running low on some so if you have ideas send them to me and I'll give you create thx for reading bye lovs until next time. 

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