Original Title WINNERS

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This is a special category that will have no reviews or scores. It implies exactly what the title suggests: Originality. It is not based on the plot of the book, nor summary or cover. What matters is the title. I know the saying "Don't judge a book by it's title (yeah, you know what I did there)". But if you got a list with only titles, and had to choose the one you think was original, which one sounded melodious when spoken, or which one was new and unseen... Well, here we are. 33 entries have signed in, the 7 winners will be rewarded (no particular order):

Billion Dollar Problems by demidork25 

Not a Creature is Stirring by allisbright29

Things Not Subject To Gravity by MichaelShivaSurya

P.O.E.M.S. (Partially Organized Emotional Masterpiece Selection) by wi_se_gi_rl

Seven Deadly Sins by Unavailable_Me

The Lost Lilies of Dauphine by KarrieBloomer

And the last but not the least,

The Chronicles of the Flying Cow by theflyincowwhoisacat


Private Message me for the prize! ❤️

Participants: Reign_lulubel07 ; darkephysik ; Mjcoffie ; Quiet_Pen ; Maleeka27 ; ilovereadingnhp ; SahikaD ; WritingtillSunrise ; LookingGlassFX ; xPhantomGoddess theflyincowwhoisacat ; JadeFoliage ; Nico610 ; KarrieBloomer ; Lixxie100 ; RubaiaKhatun ; Witto150 ; queen_of_sass ; KasManian ; Unavailable_Me ; divishaquoted ; MichelleManisha ; wi_se_gi_rl ; MichelleOffiong ; MichaelShivaSurya ; prinxess264 ; fanatic_4_life ; WritingtillSunrise ; xxRomaeReginaxx ; allisbright29 ; nmustangs1 ; demidork25 ; TheTigerWriter

For the other Participants, don't give up! A writer shan't always rely on his/her book's title! But still, it's important: the first thing the reader sees, and a bridge towards the book's inner message.



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