Judy and Hank

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Clara gasped when they walked into "their" new house. The ceilings were tall, but not too tall, and there were two stories, but no basement. Clara instantly fell in love with the home, and the Doctor had to admit it wasn't too shabby. He looked through the kitchen window into the home next to him (which was owned by the people they were investigating). So far he hadn't seen any thing suspicious. Yet.


Clara was running around and putting her clothes in the closet. She couldn't contain her excitement; new things were always exciting to her.

"Clara?" she heard the Doctor yell from the living room.


"Where do you want the books? I brought some from the TARDIS for you, but I don't know where you'd like to keep them," he said scratching his head and smiling at the woman running up to him.

"You brought books!" she said, and hugged him. "But yeah, I guess I can put them upstairs in the bookshelf so they're not crowding the space down here. Thank you so much for bringing them."

"No problem. I know how important they are to you," he said, letting go of their hug. They both heard the doorbell ring and went to answer the door together.

"Hello! We noticed you just moved in next door...and we brought you some sandwiches. If you want them, that is. Oh! I'm Judy, and this is my spouse Hank," the woman at the door said while gesturing to the awkward looking man next to her.

"Well, hello! My name is Clara, and this is my husband, the D- I mean, John. And thank you so much for the sandwiches. Um...we'll have you over once we're unpacked? I don't want to be rude, but we have a lot of work to do still," Clara said. She knew these were the aliens, as the Doctor called them.

"Oh we understand! Well enjoy, and let us know!" Then the woman left and Clara shut the door.

"So those are our neighbors..." Clara began. They seemed nice, but kind of weird and out of it. 'Judy' did call her husband her spouse, which was a bit too formal.

"Yeah...they seem normal. But we have a while to figure them out. Do we really have to share the house with them? I don't wanna," the Doctor whined. Clara forgot how much of a child he could be.

"Well...we still have a lot of unpacking, so let's get to it then."

They grabbed more boxes and books and began to move into their new life.


How is it so far? I promise it does get more exciting. Anyways, please vote, comment, and follow!

Keep on truckin'


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