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Day 1 

"Attention passengers, due to engine complications, the scheduled flight for Charlotte is delayed until further notice." The female voice rang out clearly through the small airport.

A young woman turned to the tall slender greying man who stood beside her, holding her overstuffed duffle bag in his hand. She eyed him with hostility.

"What?" the man asked, innocently shrugging his narrow shoulders.

"Hurry up, Clare!" she mocked. "How's that for being on time? The stupid flight's delayed", she replied curtly.

The man chuckled. "Well, for once you'll find out what it means to be kept waiting"

"Funny!" she spat out, despite a slight grin spreading across her face. "So what do I do now, just wait?"

"Yeah, that's how it works,"

"But that's boring" she moaned.

"I'll stick around till the flight's confirmed if you want. In the meantime, shall we grab a hot drink?"

She nodded enthusiastically.

Clare waited, seated in an uncomfortable plastic chair, her eyes roaming the small, yet busy café. She yawned, sleep still inviting her. It was far too early a start to the day for her liking. If it weren't for Henry, she'd still be snugly tucked up in bed, the ski trip completely forgotten (and rightfully so, she hadn't wanted to go in the first place). She scanned the counter and saw Henry waiting in a queue. She was rather shocked to see so many people already moving through the airport. Did they know what time it was? Dawn had only broken through an hour or so ago.

She could hear snippets of conversation from people around her, who sat sipping from their cups of coffee. She could do with some coffee, strong coffee. She yawned unashamedly. Her eyes drawn to a middle-aged couple immersed in deep heated conversation. The husband, with a balding patch on his ash-colored head, and round-rimmed glasses propped on his thin nose didn't seem too pleased with his wife, Clare presumed. The freckled rosy-faced woman with curly hair tied in a bun had either packed too much food or not enough. She wondered where they were headed. She cocked her head to one side and looked at a couple of young men a few tables ahead, one of whom was fruitlessly trying to pick up the waitress. She smiled at his daring and wished him luck. The other, however, couldn't help but look around the café, uncomfortable at his companion's shameless behaviour. Noticing Clare's amused stare and he apologetically smiled.

Clare looked over to the counter again. Henry was next. Her stomach grumbled and she wondered if he would bring some food. She got up from her seat and snaked her way around the tables, noticing the young man's embarrassed eyes on her as she passed. She smiled back and continued to the front of the café.

By Henry's side, she looked at the glass food cabinet. "Henry, shall we get something to eat too? I'm hungry" she whispered. The guy before them was already done with his order. He turned around, oblivious to Clare's sudden presence. He glared at her for a split second before uncomfortably swerving around her. She apologized after him half-heartedly. His hazel eyes were too quick to dismiss her for her liking, as he hurried to a table.

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