Chapter 1

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NW805: I noticed some of what's written here either makes me cringe or just doesn't flow into what I intend the story to be now, so I have edited this chapter accordingly.

Disclaimer: I don't own Devil May Cry or Rwby, or any of the songs that are used. I do however own my OCs.

It was a late night in the city of Vale about eleven-thirty to be exact and, well, Yin couldn't really sleep

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It was a late night in the city of Vale about eleven-thirty to be exact and, well, Yin couldn't really sleep. He was always like this really. Every time it was a day before a big event he would always feel a bit anxious about it. Tomorrow afternoon he would have to go to Beacon with Yang and Ruby, his sisters.

In order to pass the time until he started feeling the weight of his eyes he decided to surf the web on his scroll. Nothing really interesting was online at the moment sadly, but thankfully a new notification just popped up. A text message from Yang. His eyes left his scroll as he looked across the room past Ruby's bed. On the other side he can roughly make out the shape of his twin sister sitting up looking right back at him. He turned back to his scroll and tapped the message.

It read as followed, "I know your mad".  Yin immediately knew she was referring too.

He played it dumb. "About what?"

"Don't pretend you don't know." He heard the springs on Yang's bed shift as she adjusted her posture.

"I'm being serious, I have no clue what your talking about." 

"I'm your sister I know when your lying Yin. I know your mad that Ruby got into Beacon but PLEASE be supportive and a good example for her she looks up to you."

Finally, he felt his eyes getting gradually heavier. "Fine, I'll try." He really just wanted to sleep at this moment.

Too lazy to text again, he spoke out loud as he pressed his head against his soft, warm, and comfy cloud of sleep, "Now let me rest." Afterward, there were no replies nor any speaking. Simply the faint sounds of the city filled the room.


The next day in the afternoon, the three siblings just got off the airship to Beacon. The sisters were taken in awe of the sight of the tall towers and structures. To Yin the school looked like multiple castles put together.

"Wow, the view from Vale has nothing in this." Yang said impressed by the view.

Yin simply stared blankly at it all. Sure it looked cool and he was gonna be living here for a while. Oh god, he was going to live in a castle with roommates. He prayed for big rooms.

Meanwhile, large stars took the place of Ruby's eyes, "Ooh! Ooh! Sis! THAT KID HAS A COLLAPSIBLE STAFF. OH! AND SHE HAS A FIRE SWORD!!" Ruby looked like she was about to make a mad sprint for the fire sword user like Zwei, their pet corgi back at home rushing for treats.

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