Chapter Seven - The News

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I yawn and stretch out the next morning. Jeez, why am I not tired? It's like 4am and I'm awake! Oh well, guess it's time to check the Twitter-sphere. I grab my laptop from the other side of the bed, I guess Betsy slept in Rydel's room last night.

@The_Official_Lover: I talked to @Angieeeee last night, girl cheer up! :) Oh check out the @janoskians...they cheer me up.

@Angieeeee: @The_Official_Lover Okay I both haha X{D <- he has a mustache now! ^-^

@The_Official_Lover: @Angieeeee you are SO flipping weird! :) Watch A Day In The Life Of a Dysfunctional Family!

I laugh and click on @janoskians to check these people out.

"Hey guys, we're the Janoskians. We love having a good time! We only have one intention when doing our pranks, we want to make people all around the world smile!" I read aloud. I see a link to a YouTube channel and click it. Okay, let's try to find that video she recommended. There it is! I click on it and wait for it to fully buffer before playing it. I nod my head along to the music as I wait for stuff to actually happen as it shows the characters.

"Whaaaatttttt, that's NOT a baby! That's a grown man!" I say whenever I finally see the man sitting in the 'lady's' lap. "Wait, that's not a lady either!" I wait a little bit longer, "OHMYGOD! HE JUST KICKED THAT PERSON! AND BEAT THEM UP! WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!" I say a little too loud. "Why is the steering wheel-oh they don't live in America," I say noticing that the wheel is on the right side. "Does that baby guy have a nipple ring?" I say moving closer to the screen. "Oh my - that Eugene kid is smoking hot!" I say whenever the guy storms out of the room. "OHMYGOD! THIS GUY IS SEXY!" I say when he adjusts his clothes. "Oh my gosh," I say laughing, "his 'mom' just showed him her-" I can't even finish the sentence because I'm laughing so hard. "OHMYGOD! THEN THE 'DAD' DOES-" I can't finish that either because I'm laughing too hard again. It finally finishes and I just click on other random videos by them. I watch videos for like three hours and can't stop laughing at each one...even the Q&A ones are funny!

"Are you dying or something?" Ratliff says walking in rubbing his eyes.

"Did I wake you up?" I ask.

"Nah, I actually woke up to go to the bathroom and heard you on the way there." he says shrugging his shoulders and coming to sit next to me. "So what were you laughing at?"

"These guys called the Janoskians. They're freaking hilarious," I say clicking on another video to show them to him.

He laughs throughout the whole thing too! I laugh at it even though I've already seen it. It's finally over and we are having a laughing fit.

"Oh my gosh! These guys are great!Where are they from?" he says laughing.

"Melbourne, Australia." I respond laughing as well.

"I WANNA WATCH ANOTHER!" he says excitedly.


We eventually had all of the teenagers in the same room as us laughing at the videos. Riker though, he was kinda gloomy but had a little bit more pep in him. He laughed and smiled at the video, that's a good sign.

My phone goes off and I grab it to see what's happening. I read the message that my mom sent me.

Mommy Dear: Your sister is in the hospital, tell your auntie for us.

Me: Do I need to come back from visiting?

Mommy Dear: No, it's okay. You don't have to if you don't want to.

Me: Okay, I'll Tell Auntie about it. Tell her I love her!

"Guys, my sister's in the hospital." I say.

"Ohmygod, is Chloe okay?" Betsy asks.

"I have no clue, my mom didn't tell me what happened. Oh, and Melissa said that she loves you," I remember.

"When did you talk to Melissa?" Betsy asks.

"Last night. Me and her Skyped for a little while," I say glancing over at all the confused faces and Riker's panicked one.

"Melissa's my older sister," Betsy says also noticing the confused looks. "When are you going to tell your aunt?" she asks directing the conversation back to me.

"I guess we can go today, Rydel, can you take us to go visit her so I can tell her?" I ask turning towards the blonde female.

"Sure, I can do that," she says with a shocked kinda look on her face. "When do yo want to leave?" she asks.

"Is now okay, and we can get breakfast on the way there?" I ask looking at her.

"Okay, let's get dressed and we'll go," she says standing and walking out and into her room.

The boys just sit there still confused. "Get out, I have to change!" I say pushing each guy off the bed and out the bedroom door.

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