Why Me?

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        The drive to the hospital the next day was one of the worst rides Matt had ever had in his entire life, and it wasn't just from the pain. His whole family was in the car this time. It was pretty much silent the whole way their. Mainly his family was just in shock over everything, but Matt could tell they were worried.

        Matt was starting to get really scared now sitting in a hospital bed. He was in what they would call the pre-surgery ward of Children's Hospital. Matt also thought it was ridiculouse that he was in a Children's hospital at age 17. "Its only because your under 18 Matt." His mom explained, but the whole children atmosphere of the place made Matt feel uncomfortable. His whole family stood around his bed as Matt sit there in a hospital gown with a I.V. in his arm. It was a different picture of Matt and it was obviously getting to his mom. The moment the doctor came in and said "Its time for surgery." His mom broke down. She followed Matt all the way to the operating room, crying the whole way there. Surprisingly, Matt wasn't scared. His head was in so much pain and he was so excited, he was just ready to get some temporary relief. He said his final goodbyes to his mom and was put in the room. "Count backwards from 1-10 okay?" Matt started. "10......9.......8.........7........" His eyes started to flutter shut and everything became blurry. Before he knew it, Matt was aleep.

        "Uhhhhhh'' Matt moaned as he awoke from surgery. His mom greeted him with a smile on her face. "Hi sweetie. The surgerys over now, you did a great job." Matt continued moaning and rolling around in the bed. A bandage went around his head covering the small incision where they did the biopsy. It didn't take Matt to long to fully wake up, and he was almost back to his normal self too. The doctors gave him alot of pain medicine, so Matt was actually in a good mood. He joked around with his brothers and sisters. They had all come home for Matt after they found out about the tumor. It wasn't long untill one of Matts brothers had found a mini football to start throwing around the room. Matt found it really funny when they accidentally his a picture on the wall. There was broken glass all over the floor! While his brothers stood there speechless Matt just laughed and laughed at them for being so stupid. "OH MY GOD GUYS" his mom started to say. "YOU GUYS BETTER CLEAN THIS UP BEFORE...'' Just then a doctor knocked on the door and walked in. He saw the glass on the floor, Matt laughing, and his brothers standing their like they had no idea what happend. "ummm, can I speak to you two and Matt alone Mrs. Espinosa." He said to his parents but while keeping his eyes fixed on the glass. "Ill send in a janitor to clean that up." he quickly added. Soon the room was cleared of everyone but Matt, his parents, and the doctor. Matt wasn't laughing anymore. Now he was scared and shaking. He deep down thought he was fine but just by the look on the doctors face, Matt began to doubt himself. Finally his parents spoke up. "So whats the news?" The doctor paused for a long time staring down at his feet until finally he looked up. "This isn't easy for me to tell anyone Mrs. and Mr. Espinosa but..." Matt was frozen. He couldn't move. He stared directly passed the doctors face so he wouldn't made eye contact. The doctor finally spoke again looking at Matt directly this time, and Matt stared back. "Im very sorry to say this, but Matt has brain cancer."

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