Getting Out And Going Home

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*2 weeks later*

Abby's POV

I wake up and see 5sos and 1D in the room with me. Once Ashton notice I am awake he runs over to the bed and then luke notice I am awake and starts to cry and walks over to the bed. "What happened?" "Do you not remember?" Ashtons asks me. "Abby you are in the hospital and you went into coma. (if that's how u spell it sorry) I start to cry. "Why am I in here." You started to cut and take pills I don't know if you have done it before but I hope u stop." Ashton says. Then luke ran out of the room and calum went after him. Then the doctor walked in. "Abby you are welcome to leave when you want to." "Ok thank you doctor."

*at home*

Abby's POV

The 1D boys and 5sos take me home. Ashton carries me in but Luke looks mad about it. Ashton told the boys just to head back to the hotel because he was going to stay here an help me. "Ashton you don't have I do that I can take care if myself." " No Abby I'm staying to help ill stay in the other room."

Ashton's POV

I'm staying with her so I can try to get with her. then all the sudden Luke say's "ill stay here to just to help."

Abby's POV

Well Luke and Ashton are staying here tonight. "Ashton Luke you both can sleep on the couch." I grab some pjs and got take a bath. *after bath* I go lay down and and fall asleep.

Luke's POV

I wanted to stay with Abby I don't want to lose her. I know Ashton loves her but I love her to. I get lost in my thoughts then Ashton says something. "Luke what's wrong?" "I think I'm in love with Abby." Once I say that Ashton looks hurt. What if Ashton loves her to?"


I'm sorry it's short ill try to make the next one longer and sorry if there's any mistakes

Love u all

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