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Abby's POV

I wake up with Luke next to me I love him so much. "Luke wake up I'm going down stairs ill see you down there get dressed to." I head down stairs and Ashton is up he don't even look at me. I go sit next to him. "Ashton what's wrong?" "You and Luke is what's wrong." "Ashton what do you mean?" "I love you to." "Ashton I didn't know that before I got to know you guys like I do now you was my sunshine I loved you but I didn't think you loved me like I loved you and Luke told me he did Ashton I'm sorry." You don't have to be sorry I made the mistake and not telling you I liked you." "Ashton someday we might happen I don't know where me and Luke will go."

*Luke comes down*

Luke's POV

As soon as I come down I hear Abby's last sentence "Ashton someday we might happen I don't know where me and luke will go." "I'm going out ill be back." Why did she say that about me and her i think we will last but does she. I hop in the car and I drive to Starbucks.

*at Starbucks*

I walk in and I see my old friend Nikki. "Hey Luke." "Hey Nikki." "How you doing?" Nikki ask. "I'm doing good just ha to get out of my girl friends house." "We'll since we are both out you want to go get some drinks." "Sure sounds fun."

*at bar about 4-5 hours later*


Luke's POV

"Hey Nikki I need to go back to Abby's house she don't know where I am." "Luke you can't drive and I can't drive you can just stay at my house tonight I have a extra bed for you." "Ok Abby will understand she won't want me to get hurt."

*at Nikki's house* *8:30 driver took the long way*

Nikki's POV

Luke looks so hot when he's drunk but what am I saying I'm drunk to. "Luke ill show you where you can sleep."

Luke's POV

I texted Abby to tell he where I was and the address so she can pick me up in the morning I told her just to walk I'm because ill still be passed out. Nikki is a nice girl. I wonder why I didn't date her why am I saying this I'm with Abby. I walk to Nikki's room to see if she has anything or me to change into and I walk in and she in a towel. "Sorry Nikki I should of knocked."

Nikki's POV

I walked over to Luke because he came in. "What do you want Luke?" I asked him "I just want to know if you have anything I can wear?" "Well you aren't the same size as me, but I have my brothers superman shirt that I stole from him." I had told him. "Thanks Nikki." Once I gave him the shirt he changed in front of me. What can I say he looked so hot I just couldn't stop staring. Luke caught me staring and he licked his lips. "Like what you see?" He said as he smirked. Ugh why does he have to be so hot?

"Ummm..No..what..psh" "I don't mind Nikki, but it isn't fair you got to see me shirtless." We are both intoxicated from the club we went to. As Luke got closer my heart starter to beat faster. As soon as he got closer he smashed his lips on mine.

I kissed back plus he isn't a bad kisser either. We closed the gap between us. Being drunk we both tripped and landed on my bed. Luke was on top and I was under him.

It got pretty heated the next thing I know my towel is on the ground. I grabbed the hem of the shirt I gave Luke and pulled it over him. He kicked off his boxers letting us both naked still kissing.

He started kissing my neck I leaned my head to the right giving him more skin to kiss. He found my sweet spot and started sucking.

"Mmm Luke" I moan letting him know he has got me wet. I turned him over sucking on his neck. I started to trail down till I got to his length. I looked at Luke and see him biting his lip. Gosh I hope we can remember this when we are sober. I grabbed his length and moved my hand up and down. "Fuck Nikki" Luke moan. As I was about to go to a further level he flipped me over so half my body was on the bed.

Luke left sloppy wet kisses on my stomach. Once he got to my heat slipped a finger in then two. He lick my heat sending chills up my body.

He went faster as I moaned his name. "Ugh fuck me Luke!" "Ooh feisty I see." "Shut up and fuck me Lucas Hemmings!" I moaned. He slowly entered his length in earning a grunt from him and a moan from me.

"Fuck Nikki you feel so good and tight." He trusted deeper and faster. At this speed he is going I will be reaching my high any time soon.

"Mmmm Luke" I moan. He felt so good inside me. I arch my back grabbing the sheets from my bed. "Luke...ugh..I..think..ima.." "Shh not yet" I try not to come undone just yet. "Fuck Nikki I think ima cum now"

I grab his hair as he kissed me while trusting in and out of me. We both finally reach our high.

As he pulled out he fell next to me. "Damn you felt so good I want to do another round." "Not tonight Luke." And with that we fell asleep due to getting tired from our highs.

I had to say he was the best at kissing and now this. I just want to go at it for hours, but my eyes are getting heavy.


Well I hope u liked it lol

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