Sad turns to happiness

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Abby's POV

I wake up and go wake up Ashton so we can go get luke I do understand I don't want him to get hurt and I trust him. "Ashton wake up so we can go get luke!" "Ashton you can drive so I can go in to get luke."

*At Nikki's house*

Abby's POV

I go in and I find the right room I walk in and first I see luke but then I see a girl in the same bed. I start to cry but I don't know if they did anything yet. I pull the covers a little way down off luke to see and he's naked. I smack luke right in the face. "LUKE HOW COULD YOU!" I yell and wake up Nikki.

Luke's POV

I wake up to getting smacked in the face I remembered last night and I was praying it was Nikki to wake me up. Then I hear Abby's voice. "Abby I'm sorry I didn't mean to do anything it just happened." "Luke how can I trust you I even trusted you to say here and this is what you do to me." "Abby look I'm sorry." "No luke I'm sorry bye."

Abby's POV

I run out of the house and back in the car. "Abby where is Luke?" "He can die for all I care he don't care about me he not cared about her." "Ashton can you just drive to my house please ?"

Ashton's POV

Once we get back to the house Abby goes to the guest bedroom I don't know why but as a guy I go get her ice cream and got give it to her. "Here Abby have some ice cream it helps."

Abby's POV

I go straight to the guest bedroom I don't want to sleep in mine. Ashton comes in and brings me ice cream. Wow he really knows how to help a girl when she needs it. "Thanks Ashton I want to go watch a movie." "Ok let's go watch a movie."

*we put in p.s. I love you*

Ashton's POV

After the movie we hear a knock at the door I go answer it. It's Luke."What do you want Luke?" " Ashton you know I didn't mean to were like brothers you know me Ashton ." "Luke I'm sorry you broke her heart I can't help you in this I can't have her hate me but I can see if you can come in." "Hey Abby will it be ok if Luke comes in." "Sure I don't care." "Luke Come on in." "Well Ashton Nikki's here with me." "Luke why would you bring her." "We'll long story short me and Nikki are together." "Luke are you crazy but whatever just come in."

Abby's POV

I can't believe Luke is here I mean he don't have to stay here he can go back to the hotel with the other boys. Tomorrows there last show in L.A. I'm going to miss Ashton what what I can't have feelings for him I mean I did before I got to know them. The question is do I still. Ashton came back to the living room with luke and...... I don't even what to say her name. I run out of the room I don't think I'm ready to face them yet I here Ashton running after me. "Abby what's wrong?" "Why did he bring her?" "Well they are together." "I can't believe him but its his life I can't control him." I hugged Ashton and grabbed his arm and walked back to the living room. Luke what's to play that game two can play that game. As we got to the chair Ashton sat down and I say on his legs. "Abby what are you doing?" "Just go with it." Luke and Nikki are sitting in my other chair.

Ashton's POV

Abby grabbed my arm but I kinda liked it but then I say down and she sat on my lap." I mean I can't complain I love her but she needs time I mean wig what just happened.

"So Luke when did you and Nikki start to date?" "We'll after Abby left I kinda punched the wall and Nikki calmed me down and once I looked in her eyes I knew I was in love.

Abby's POV

Holy shit I'm jealous how could I be jealous I never been like this so like the girl I am I had to say something stupid of me to do but here goes nothing. "Well me and Ashton are dating now." Shit why did I say that. Ashton looks at me. "Well I'm happy for you two." Luke says. "Well I'm tired so me and Ashton are going to lay down so bye." Ashton walks them out for me.

Ashton's POV

I go and walk Nikki and luke out. "So Abby when did we start to date?" "ashton shut up I had to say it I mean it has not even been a day since I found out and there together." "Sorry Abby." "Ashton don't be sorry I do kinda like you I really do and I trust you just I don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship right now." "Ok." I start to go for the guest bedroom and Abby says something. "You can sleep in my bed ill sleep in the guest bedroom my bed is better and you need to sleep for your concert tomorrow." "Ok night Abby." "Night Ashton."

*next day*

Ashton's POV

I wake up and notice Abby's still asleep but I don't go wake her she needs her sleep. I go get something to eat and put in a movie.

Abby's POV

I woke up and here a movie playing so Ashton's up. I walk in there and sit down. "Good morning beautiful." Ashton said. "Well good morning."

"What movie you watching ?" "I don't know I just put it in lol." "Well I have a question." "Ask away." "That day you followed me and dmed me and told me to meet you at the air port why did you tell me that?" "Well I was following people and I seem you was in school so it would of made you happy if I did so I did." "Well you know what it made me happy and to see you messaged me that made me happy." I'm glad I dmed you that day and told you to come meet us." Well speaking of twitter I need to check that and tell everyone me and Luke are not dating anymore but I won't say why I don't want drama and stuff." "We'll I have to ask you something." Says Ashton "yes." "We'll I wanted to know if you wanted to come tonight and watch? " "Ashton I would love to."

Ashton POV

"Abby I'm glad you are coming tonight but we better start getting ready."

*at concert*

Ashton's POV

All the fan come in and find there seat and we get ready we are about to go on. But before we go on I took Abby on stage. "Abby just to say your the first girl I ever took on stage you better feel lucky lol just kidding but you are the first." "Ashton thank you I never thought of going On a stage I like it lol." "Ok well we have o get off we about to play you can hang out with one direction until we get done."

Abby's POV

Ashton goes on stage and I start walking toward Liam. "Hi Liam." "Oh Abby right?" "Yep you are correct lol I never thought you would remember my name lol." "We'll I met you once so I'm surprised my myself lol." "Well I guess ill let you finish getting ready bye."

I walk to watch Ashton play. Next thing I know I hear Ashton saying my name to the crowed "Abby will you come out here please?" I walk out there and stop where Ashton is.

Ashton's POV

I have something cute to do for Abby. "Abby I know a lot has happened but will you please go out with me?" The crowed was quiet once I said it." "Yes Ashton I love you so much." I hug her and the crowed starts to scream again.

Luke's POV

I can't believe ashton did that why didn't I think of that?" Luke shut up and stop being jealous. We was walking off stage and I walked off walking by Abby she didn't even look at me. "Hey Abby." "Luke shut up I don't want to talk yet."

Ashton's POV

"Hey babe." "Hey I'm going to go watch one direction play now." "Well have fun." "Hey Luke." "What you want!" "Hey you don't have to yell you the one that lost her for what you did." "Sorry Ashton just she was perfect but Nikki she's perfect to I love Nikki now I have to forget about her." "Whatever Luke." One direction just got off stage so I went toward Abby to take her home. "Come on Abby time to go home and guess what?" "What?" "We get 2 months off!" "OMG I'm so happy but let's head home I'm tired."

Once we are at the house Abby's asleep so I carry her in and lay her in her bed and I lay next to her and fall asleep.


I hope you guys like it

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