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I've been in Australia for a couple of days by now. And it was weird. Everything about it was kinda weird so far. Not in a negative sense, just generally weird. Meeting the boys for the first time was weird cause we kind of already knew each other but didn't at all - we talked a few words, but Michael and I knew each other better than anyone ever knew me before - and it was a weird feeling to meet these guys. A mixture of meeting your idol mixed with meeting your boyfriend's friends for the first time plus a sprinkle of meeting your school friends again after graduation, which had been a few years ago.

But all in all I feel like we matched quite well and Michael did everything to make the situation as minimal awkward as it was possible. Luke still gives me a weird feeling and I think I'm almost able to point out what it is, but I want to get to know him better until I set a finger on it. Calum was by far the most open one, which wasn't that much of a surprise according to Michael since when I met Calum for the first time he was chilling on Mikey's sofa playing some videogame and I just sat down watching Calum for hours without saying a word and that kind of built a bond between us without either of us realizing it.

Ashton, the guy that was the nicest at their show, who led me to my seat and invited me backstage, was still nice, but we didn't really talk much. I'm not sure for what reason, but Michael didn't mind and so I stuck with that. I'm not supposed to be friends with them anyway, right? I'll be their personal assistant, they need to accept and respect me, but don't need to be my best friends. It's already a pleasure to know that Michael has turned into a best friend after a week.

The first day Michael made me stay with him at his parents' place. They're the nicest parents I'd ever met and tried to make me feel as home as possible. But their aussie way of living made me feel home even more. Especially Michael's mum (Karen) treats me the loveliest way possible and was the most excited to meet me. I'm not sure when Michael told her about me since we basically spend every minute together ever since we met, but in a calm moment she held me back and whispered: "Thank you for being here, Haley. I haven't seen Michael this healthy in a long time.", then she hugged me and walked away. I didn't really know what to do with this information, but I nodded and smiled at her.

Australia itself was weird for the first days either. I can't point out what it was, but it made me feel alone yet home. The jetlag hit me hard and I would've loved to spend a whole week on sleeping, but Michael wasn't as jetlagged as me and full of such much positive energy that he just couldn't stay home for days. (Probably also because he wasn't used to spending lots of time with his parents anymore). Generally, I fell in love with this country. The views from the airplane where breathtaking and my very first thought had been that I finally understood why so many people wanted to come here and never leave again. Since we're in April, Australia is about to hit winter, which made the climate quite nice and my London-approved clothes kind of fitting. Michael offered me to go on a shopping trip with me, but I thankfully said no. My clothes were alright and if I needed anything I'd let him know.
Ashton told me I'd really have to go to the beach and enjoy the sea, but we didn't find the time yet. Their boss was trying to brief me into my "job" and that included me getting to know a lot of stuff about going on tour and being responsible for the boys' well-being. While the boys were jamming and rehearsing for the upcoming tour, I read pages and pages of organization related stuff, heart speeches and speeches from kind of important people and still had to sign my contract. Which is supposed to happen today.
The "head" of the whole 5 Seconds Of Summer business is in town today, appointments with the boys as well, but wants to meet me first. Talking about my job, contract and needs.
"I'll spend the day exploring Sydney, aye? And I'll look for a hotel.", I absentmindedly ramble into Michael's direction, who was, as always, still in bed. Not at all willing to get up.

"Why would you need a hotel?", he sits up in bed, while I walk around his room, trying to gather all the things I need.
"You shared your bed and home long enough, you deserve to have some time off me.", I sigh, not really hyped to be on my own, but I really don't want to be a burden and I've been fine on my own for so long, why would it bother me now?
"Eh, I made you come here. I WANT you here.", he moves his hands through his hair, seeming kind of stressed out.
"We'll talk about this later, okay? I really gotta leave now.", I bite my lip, unsure if I should leave him like this. I'm worried about the boy, ever since I brought up the topic of moving to a hotel until the tour starts, he more and more seems uncomfortable and his positive vibes seem to fade more and more the more we talk about it.
"Have fun in Sydney!", he winks, "don't get too wasted with the Australian surfer boys!"
I steal the cap, he just put on to cover his messed up bed-hair, and grab my phone from the charger: "Have fun at business meetings all day.", a little teasing is allowed though, I know how much he hates meetings, he already told me that this is the worst part about going on tour. All the things he couldn't care less about get discussed for hours. I told him that if the boys didn't have these meetings with people who care about them but also about the business aspects, they sure as hell wouldn't be able to tour anymore after about four shows.
"I still hate it!", he yells after me, throwing something against the door, probably trying to hit me with it.

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