1. leonardo dicaprio

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it was around 10pm and you was sat in your room, bored as anything. you turned on your tv and flicked through the channels, obviously there was nothing on since it was late. suddenly you had an idea. you sat up and leaned over to your bedside table and grabbed the phone. you went through the contacts till you found his. you dialled his number and waited for him to answer.

hello there miss y/l/n
yes that is me
i am cold
how has that got anything to do with me?
you stole my hoodies
ha you mean MY hoodies
they were in MY closet
they were in MY closet before you took them so i had the right to take what was mine
don't be like that
guessing i'll be on my way then
that's what i was about to say.

you ended the phone and laughed in satisfaction, you took your leggings off and put some shorts on since you was pretty warm. as soon as you got back into bed, you heard a gentle tap at the window. you stood up and walked over to your window and opened it to let leo climb in to your room.
"i brought my favourite one" he sniggers, you smile and take it from him and place it over your t-shirt. "can i keep it?" you ask, pulling the puppy eyes knowing it will fool him.
"i guess so" he shrugs and you smile, you sit down on the edge of your bed and tap the bed signalling him to sit next to you. he climbs over to you and pushes you down and lays at the other side. you rest your head on his chest while he plays with your hair. you and leo have always been the bestest of friends so this was pretty normal to do. you two were just so relaxed with each other and pretty much inseparable.
a couple of minutes went by and leo got up, "what are you doing?" you ask, he ignores you and turns on the radio not to loud for your parents to hear. 'never gonna give you up' by rick astley played, leo started to do little dances and asked you to join. to be honest you thought the song was quite cringe but you got up anyway and made your way over to him. he spun you around as you swayed your hips to the beat.
leo then placed his hands on your waist and spun you around, suddenly he tripped over his own feet making you both laugh. you was laughing that much that you didn't realise how close both yours and leo's faces were. you look and see leo's piercing green eyes burning into yours.
"what's up with you" you giggle, he smiles and shakes his head. "ha it's nothing" he shrugs it off and looks down but keeps you close to him.
"leo come on, tell me" you begged, placing your hand under his chin and lifting it to make him look at you.
"it's just that. urgh i just really want to kiss you right now" he mumbles but is audible for you to hear. you smile and lean in and place a small kiss on his lips, he kisses back instantly. he cups your cheek and moves a hand down to your waist to deepen the kiss. you end up smiling in the kiss and so does he eventually. you both pull away and smile at each other.
"y/n you don't understand how long i've been waiting to do that, how bout you be mine then?" he says, you smile ear to ear and nod your head. you suddenly jump up and wrap your legs around his waist as he catches you and holds you up by your thighs and spins you round. wow what a true lover boy.
hope you all enjoyed this, hopefully i'll be posting a new one everyday or every two days as i've gotten really inspired with this book.

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