||How it works|Rules||

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Hello wattpadders, welcome to the
Writers of Wattpad Community

We are looking for new people to join our community!

We have 4 different admins departments we are hiring for. Then we are hiring member for those same departments. 

You can only be accepted for one Admin position, but can work all 4 member departments, if you like. So if you want to apply for all Admin, you will only be selected for one position. So please state what is your 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th choice are. 

Even if applied for admins, only one will be accepted, after the head admins talk it over, we will make our choice. If you do not get accepted as an Admin, you may be still a member if accepted. Please do not be rude or hateful, if you are not accepted for admin or member position. As of right now we are only accepting a few members for each department along with Admins. 

We may be hiring again for more members, and for new departments. We are just starting with this for now to get the community rolling. Once everything starts going and flowing smoothly, we will open new departments and hire for them. We are thinking about a critique shop and book clubs  (mature and non-mature).

The way that this will work, is that every chapters will give information for that position.

Please read the chapter(s) you would like to apply for.

Applying for positions, you will go to our main account and go to the link under our 'about us' section.
There will be a link, once you click on it, it will give you different options to pick.
You will click on the button for the position you are applying for.
You will then fill out the google form.

This helps us out with all responses and have them sorted to go under the proper departments, so we know who applied for what.

When you have been accepted, you will receive a pm on your personal account, letting you know you have been accepted and now are part of our team!


-Admins, you do not change the password!
-You can not tell anyone the password!
-You must follow:
wow_awards mae89x and Sally_Jones_101 
This is the founder and co-founder of the community
-Please download slack, this is an easier form of communication.
-No bullying, hate.
-We are a LGBTQ+ friendly environment.
-We are accepting of Mature books.
-If you change your username, please notify us ASAP.
-If you are going offline for more than a week please notify both; your admin of your department and head admins.

*If you are applying to be an admin, the forum for admins are with the department applications. So you will fill out the whole forum, then at the bottom it will ask if you want to apply for admin position also. 


If you want to be a Judge Admin, you will apply to be a judge and also fill out the admin part of the forum.
If accepted, then you a judge and the Judge Admin. 

This is done for all departments.

Admin Positions:

Judge (0/1)
Interview (0/1)
Graphics (0/1)
Editors (0/1)

Member Positions:

Official Judges (0/4)
Interviewers (0/2)
Graphic Designers (0/4) -ON HOLD (Until we hire Graphics Admin)
 -For our graphic shop
Editors (0/4)
 -For our Editor shop

If you are interested in any positions, please read the chapter for each department. 
All details for each department will be there.

Thank you, and we hope to see you join our community!

Writers of Wattpad
WoW xo

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