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Y/n's POV

"You can start eating. I'll go get the door."

I walked away from the table, and to the door.

I looked through the peek whole to see who it was..but I wasn't tall enough..damn..

I sigh and just open the door.

I look up at the person, and roll my eyes "What do you want. Another beating?" I say with a lot of sass.

Ugh. Why are all these bullies coming to my house lately. Seriously. I feel like I'm in a fan fiction. Ha! Like that would ever happen.

"We would have done some serious damage if that other girl didnt step in."

"Suuuure. Now tell me why you're here."

"Where is Jimin. The others wanted me to check on him."

"He's eating. Now leave."

"Brat." And with that he left.

I walk back over to the dining area, and sit down to eat.

I realized there was a piece of pork missing from my bowl. (Sorry if you dont like pork)

I look up at Jimin, who is trying to look innocent.

"Hey genius. You have some broth on your chin.

He quickly grabbed a napkin and wiped his face. "No I don't." He said smiling.

I chuckled at him, before shaking my head slightly and eating my food.

-1 hour later-

I grabbed our bowls and begin to walk to the kitchen. I see the clock, and it reads '22:43'(if you don't know, that is 10:43 PM)

I place the bowls in the sink so I can wash them later.

I leave the kitchen and see Jimin, starting to go to sleep on the couch.

I laugh at him as his head bobs up and down.

'Why the hell are you so cute...I don't think he'll notice if I sit by him for a can't...' I think, shaking my head. 'I'll just head to bed'

I sigh , and head upstairs to my bedroom.

-2:13 AM-

Thunder roared outside, and lightning caused blinding flashes in the dark, cloudy sky.

I quickly woke with sweat dripping from my head and my breathing quick and shallow. I look around, not knowing where I was.

I begin to lay back down, but I hear footsteps running up the stairs. I look at my door, head tilted to the side out of confusion.

A soft knock is heard at my door, and I stand up. I open the door and see a frightened Jimin standing there. He had tears in his eyes.

"C-can I sleep in here...I dont like the t-thunder..."

He's scared?

"Sure...come with me." I grab his wrist, and drag him to the bed, while closing the door behind me.

I fall onto the bed, and drag him down with me.

We lay down and I start to fix his hair.

Slowly, i drift off to sleep in Jimin's arms

Jimin's POV

My eyes become heavy, as I wrap my arms around y/n's small body.

I pull her closer to me, thinking of my childhood friend.

'Why did you leave me? Why didnt you tell me you would leave? I could have helped you with that traumatic experience....'

Y/n turns around and hides her face in my chest.

I look down at her, and smile sadly.

I slowly fall asleep, sad memories going all through my mind.
10:10 am/ Y/n's POV

I open my eyes, and see a sleeping angel. His arms are wrapped around me in a protective way, and his lips parted slightly.

His hair went one way, and a small bit of drool went down his cheek.

I giggle at him, and try to move away. In return, he hugged me tighter and pulled me closer to him.

I just stay there, not knowing what to do.

"Lemme go" I say as I poke his over and over again.

Soon enough he gets annoyed and just pushes me. At first, I sigh in relief, then I hit the floor of my room...wot teh fook.

I sigh as i just stand up and exit the room. Slowly and quietly I close the door behind me as not to wake Jimin, then make my way downstairs.

I quickly check the time on the oven, and make my way to the couch.

I sigh and look for my phone before realizing I didnt grab it.

I quickly run upstairs and back down with my headphones and phone.

Sitting back on the couch, I turn on my phone, plug in my headphones, and listen to a few songs.
Just as I'm beginning to relax, I hear a soft knock on my door.

So uhhhhm. I explanation for not updating is that my phone got stolen in Paris three weeks before we were supposed to move out of Germany, and even though I got my new phone on the second day of being in Alaska, I have been to busy with getting adjusted to my new school and I'm writing this on nbn the bus so it has to be cut short... sorry?

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