~Chapter One~

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 My head is spinning as the ever-growing sound of my alarm clock blares into my ear. In mere minutes the sound feels like an eternity. When I finally get the energy to shut it off, I can hear the thumping of little feet hitting the floor.

Infectious giggles fill the small apartment as my son runs into my room, "Mama!"

I scoop him up into my arms, "good morning!" My voice bellows as I blow onto his stomach. "Are you getting hungry?" He nods, "well, how about some oatmeal?"

"Yummy!" He joyously giggles as he runs towards our kitchen.

I start preparing the instant oats and add a pinch of cinnamon, Henry's absolute favorite thing. After it's ready, I hand Henry his bowl and his spoon, then I text Ruby.

~Girl, where are you? I'm gonna be late for school again. I cannot afford to miss the first period again.

It takes her a couple minutes to respond. I look back at Henry and see him licking his bowl clean.

~Sorry Emma, I am searching for my keys right now; I cannot seem to find them anywhere. I should be over shortly though, I'll be as fast as I possibly can!

When Ruby finally arrives is 8:15, I am very much late for school. I kiss Henry goodbye and head out the door. Just as I am about to leave the driveway, the car stalls. "Just great!" I slam my hands against the wheel and sigh in disbelief. I threw the door shut and start jogging to the school.

I missed the entirety of the first period; the second is almost over. What sucks is my English teacher is the biggest hard-ass ever.

The room falls silent as the door creaks open. All eyes lay on me as I make my way to my desk. The room is tense; all know too well what is in my future. "Miss Swan," she growls as I take my seat. I look over at Belle. Her eyes dare not leave the paper sitting on her desktop. "Why are you late?" She questions. I swallow the lump in my throat and try to answer. My mouth is too dry to speak. I can hear the clacking of her heels against the cold tiled floor as she approaches.

I look up as the clicking stops; she towers over my desk. Her white button-down blouse hangs loosely over her skin, her pencil skirt hugs her hips. The translucent tights sit perfectly around her taut legs. Somehow my mouth goes even dryer. "Miss Swan, are you going to answer me?"

"I'm sorry," that's all I can muster out.

"Look at me when I am speaking to you," she lifts my head with one swift move of her finger. Her irises are filled with fire-like embers. They soar through her eyes as they shift to look into mine. "Sorry isn't good enough, Miss Swan. I will be seeing you after class." She drops my chin and throws the assignment on my desk. I can feel a singular hot tear roll down my cheek; Belle grabs my hand in affirmation.

Before I know it, the bell is ringing; and everyone is packing up their stuff and heading out the door. I can't move, paralyzed with fear.

"Emma," she grabs a chair and pulls it in front of my desk. "Please explain to me why you were late, and no excuses."

I hold my breath, trying to come up with something to say, "My car stalled this morning. I live a bit from the school." It's not the entire truth, but I'm not lying.

"Is that all?" She questions, lifting an eyebrow. I can only nod. "Okay, but Miss Swan," she stands and walks to the front of the classroom, "please make it a point to not be late again."

A/N: Hi guys! So I know this story has been a work in progress for ages, but I think I am finally happy with it. I am sorry for my constant changes but I hope you guys will understand. -Hannah

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