Chapter 15: Perfect

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Chapter 15: Perfect

Nikki's POV

"What are you doing here?" I asked Jasper. We were standing in the hall outside of RavenClaw. She had told the portrait to send me out side and was now standing in between Fred and George like nothing had happened.

"We are here to get you." She said on a duh way. "Me? For what?" Confusion covered my face. 'What are they getting me for? Do they think I'm going to go do some stupid prank with them?....oh god, they do.'

Jasper smiled mischieviously and her eyes sparkled. "Come on Nikki." She says then grabbed my hand. She pulled me down the hall with Fred and George following us. I heard a bark and looked sideways. Bandit was on Jasper's side looking happy as ever. 'Speaking of...where's Tybalt?'

"Wait!" I said as we got close to LockHarts office. "We can't do this! We could get in trouble! Plus I need Tybalt." I said stopping and pulling my hand from Jasper's grip. Jasper gave me a look that seemed to say, 'you think I'm scared of getting in trouble?' I sighed and looked at her.

"I'm not like you, I don't want to get in trouble. And school is starting tomorrow which means I need to study and I suggest you do the same." I declared then turned to walk away.

"Nikki! Just this once! We can go get your cat if you want." Jasper yelled after me. "No Jasper." I started walking again.

"Fine then. Looks like we'll just have to hang our at the Quitich pitch ourselves." Jasper voice said.

I stopped on my tracks. I've been wanting to go see the Quittich pitch since I was told the school has one. A image of flying on a broom flashed through my head.I turned back around and smiled at Jasper and the twins. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" I said excitedly and almost ran towards the Quittich pitch.

I heard Jasper and the twins goofing off behind me and I smile brightly. Everything is back to normal...

"Hey! You can't just go pushing people you know!" George's voice said chuckling. "Oh yeah? What about this?!" Jasper laughed. The sound of fireworks burst through the air. 'Huh?' I turned around and saw George running as fast as he could with fireworks chasing after him.

Jasper and Fred were laughing their heads off and then Jasper looked at Fred and smiled. He gave her a confused look and bandit ran between his legs tripping him.

I laughed at them. 'Everything really is back to normal.'

Fred stood back up and playfully glared at Jasper. She ran off, laughing, and screaming. Bandit ran behind her and barked happily. Fred ran after her a smile on his lips. "Your gonna regret that!" He laughed.

I hurried after them and ran to George who seemed out of breath and seemed to need help getting the Fireworks to leave him alone. I destroyed the fireworks and sat on the grass next to him. Fred had caught up with Jasper and was struggling to keep her in his grasp. He was holding her from behind, his arms wrapped around her as he tickled her. She laughed and screamed then somehow wiggled out of his grasp and ran to me.

She was giggling and smiling as she hid behind George. A piece of her hair fell into her eyes, and her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Fred looked about out of breath and sat next to George. Bandit walked over calmly to Jasper and layed her head on Jasper's chest when Jasper layed down.

She seemed to be starring at the stars and glanced at us everyonce in a while.

She seemed to be mumbling to herself and I studied her, I watched until I realized she was quoting, more like reciting, 'The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe' I smiled at her slightly then looked at the twins who were whispering about something.

I closed my eyes and thought about how perfect everything in this moment seemed. My thoughts were interrupted by a angel like voice,

"Can we freeze this picture and stay like this forever. Everything is perfect and I never wanna leave.

Can we stay like this?

So careless?

Can we laugh like this?

So perfect.

Can I just hit replay, and live this moment over and over. This is how it's supposed to be. Never will I be tired of this, this perfection,"

Jasper's angel like voice sang slowly. I smiled at her words and

couldn't agree more with them. Fred and George seemed to be listening too because smiles were on their faces.

"So let's stay here, let the world disappear.

Can we stay like this?

So careless?

Can we laugh like this?

So perfect...."

Jasper sang the song and then laid in silence. I'm not sure how long we all laid there, looking at the starts. But our little piece of perfect was interrupted by a voice that visibly made Jasper a little happier.

"What's going on here?" Draco's voice calked out. We all sat up and a smile formed on her face. "Hey Drake." She said.

Draco looked at the twins and glared coldly before giving me an expressionless look.

"Jasper why are you out here?" He said and turned to her. "Because I want to be." She said and laid down.

"Why are you with the Weasels?" Draco asked sounding disgusted. A bit of anger hit me and I took deep breaths to calm myself. I looked at the twins who were glaring at Draco.

"Can't you just be nice to them for once?" Jasper sighed. "Since when am I nice?" Draco laughed. I looked at Jasper who seemed annoyed with his awnser.

"You are when your not around other people." Jasper sighed again. "What do you mean? Now come on Jazz. We should really be getting inside." Draco said and reached for her hand. Jasper just laid there.

"I don't need you to tell me when I should be getting inside. If you want me by you so badly you could be nicer and just lay down." Jasper said flipping over so she could look at him.

"With the Weasels? Never. I much rather hang out with Pansy." Draco scoffed. "Then go hang out with your precious Pansy." Jasper snapped clearly not happy that the name even came out of his mouth.

"Jasper-" "just lay down Draco, I don't bite...much." Jasper laughed. "Forget it. I'm going inside." Draco said waving her off. She stood up and tackled him. She was strattling him and looked him straight in the eye.

"You are going to lay here because I said so. Or I won't get off and you'll wake up to Red and yellow hair with he Gryffindor crest tattooed to your forehead." Jasper said demandingly but laughing.

"Get off me." Draco said trying to get her off, this only caused her to laugh more and she shook her head. "Never." She smirked.

"Jasper." Draco growled. "I'm in such a good mood, please don't ruin it." Jasper said giving him puppy eyes. I know he had to give in. Once Jasper gives anyone her puppies eyes, there isn't any point in thinking they have a chance. But no, Draco doesn't do what a normal person would do, sometimes I swear, him and Jasper are too alike.

"Get off me Jasper I said no." Draco said and got her off. I know he only made it worse for himself, Jasper loves a challenge. In fact as Hermione said, she makes everything a competition.

Jasper smirked and walked after him. She stepped in front of him

And looked him in the eyes.

She whispered something to quiet for me to hear. Draco smirked and she grabbed his hand and they sat on the grass. 'She really just did that? With the twins here? She knows they hate him! Expessially Fred! I don't mind him but...'

Somehow we made it through without any fights breaking out until we went into our dorms at sunrise.


Hi guys! What do you think Jasper said to Draco? It'll be in the next chapter! Comment vote fan! Love youz!




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