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They are telling me,
Heart does nothing but,
Pumps only,
Don't ever they notice?
It does more than that,
When I first saw you,
My heart started to beat high,
I could feel the thump in my throat.
When our sight crossed eachothers,
It skipped a beat or two,
When you talked to me,
It filled with the,
Newly bloomed flowers.
When I became everything to you,
My heart left my body,
And lived in yours,
When you left me
It shattered
Into so many broken pieces.
I collected them all and
Tried to put them back together.
Now, all I want
Is to show them
My scarred heart
Once blooming with flowers
Now buried among their wilting remains
I want to ask
Don't they feel the same
All that I felt.
If yes,
How can they say it only beats?
If no,
Did they ever live their life?

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