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Lighted up the candles,
Picked up my quill,
To write about the subject which is "You".
Where to start,
Where to end,
You are a wonderful mystery,
A celestial fairy tale.
Your sparkling honey brown eyes,
And that contagious smile,
Very rare to find,
Have you seen it in that small mirror you carry around?
You are my moon who always stay,
No matter how dark the night gets.
You are my rainbow and my sprinkling rain,
You are one of the best thing this cherry can ever get.
I will love to tell you this over and over again,
I adore every second I have spent with you.
I tried my best to show you how I feel,
For all the blessings I got from you.


Ending this book by dedicating this chapter to the one (Veiled_Intellect) who always encourages me to not only write but also to share my words with rest of you too, she is the one who is not just my best friend but also my editor,my biggest supporter,my favorite writer and my muse.
Thank you to everyone who has been here with me in this beautiful journey of this book, I am grateful for all the compliments and love I got from you,
With love,

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