Chapter 1

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Night began to settle in as the quiet town of beach city engulfed it's sight with a plethora of lights.

All else of the town was still and silent, quite dreading for the most part. The town seemed too quiet, that even the lack of the sight of any pedestrians triggered anxiety in Steven's heart.
The lonely boy froze in his tracks to the sound of a noise he heard that came from somewhere near the car wash.
He stared at his dad's van, assuming that the noise was coming from there.
There it was again! The noise he heard which sounded like a growl, but it sounded nowhere close to being Lion's.

The cold night breeze sent shivers up his spine. He stood patiently before wanting to confront the mysterious growls. Thinking of where the gems were.
Where was Garnet?
And amethyst?
And Pearl!?
Most importantly, why would the gems leave Steven home alone?
They had always brought him on their missions.

The growls emitted once again.
This time, louder than before.
Steven snapped away from his thoughts as he returned back to the reality of the situation.
The noise was murmuring now, sounding as if, someone or something was chewing. Gnashing what had sounded to be flesh, Steven grew more anxious, however he knew he had to stay calm and brave himself.

He pulled out his shield and approached closer to the van.
"Grrghh.. *munch* cracks*",
The noise got louder and louder as he heard the thing behind the van gnash and cripple bones.
Steven placed on a grimace as he got ready to jump into sight of this creature.
He got low on his knees as he pressed his side against the back door of the vehicle. He neared his gaze close to the opposite corner of the van where he exposed his sight without being apparent.
In the mere dullness of light stood the silhouette of some sort of creature.
The dark shadow covering it revealed the sharp fangs it had. A lump of skin was scattered beneath the creature, assuming that it had sunken it's teeth into the remnants of whatever that thing was.

Steven gasped to the horrible, gory sight as the creature turned to scan the area. As it faced directions, it revealed the white, glowing eyes it had. Glimmering so mystifyingly as they sparkle under the moonlight.

It stood on four limbs and had a towering height being about seven feet tall, well at least, that's how high Steven saw the creature to be.
It's abnormally hunched back was decorated with crystals spiking up menacingly, triggering the familiarity of a video game antagonist Steven had once fought.
"Is that... some sort of corrupted gem?"
Steven thought in his head as he pulled his shield closer to his body,
"Doesn't matter, I need to provoke and attack this thing before somebody gets hurt..... after I go ask if it wants to hurt people that is...", He continued.

Steven briskly strode into the light, placing away his shield and jovially confronted the terrifying, beast - like creature. As he got close enough to the creature he immediately greeted it with a slight shout,
"Hi there!...", the creature turned to Steven as it revealed it's prolonged facial structure,
"You wouldn't happen to be a terrifying, ravaging beast who intends to kill people wouldn't you?",
Steven asked, although he wasn't really expecting for a response.

The creature slowly moved away from the lump of flesh and began to approach closer to Steven.
It's grimly white fangs were now in sight and it's faded, torn up body was now apparent.
Steven dropped his act as he moved backwards, trying to avoid the creature as best as he could, but he was met with the side of his dad's van. "So... uhh, do you need help?", Steven nervously asked as he put on a fierce mask, but the creature only made growls as a remark.
It's body began to rumble and a second later, five prolonged limbs emerged from it's body which the creature used to pin down Steven's surrounding.

The thing hovered over Steven and he was just mere inches from touching it's horridly stench filled mouth.
"Ugh..", he exclaimed, facing away from the sight of it's fangs.
The creature opened it's mouth wide and got itself closer and closer to Steven until it finally decided to lunge at him with all it's might.
"Aaaah!!!!", Steven screamed, holding his hand out as he formed a bubble around him just in time.
The creature's mouth slid away from the slippery bubble and in it's rage it continuously slashed Steven's bubble using all of it's limbs it had.

Steven let out a gasp of worry as he witnessed his bubble crack and distort before his eyes, but his hand touched something metallic on the ground, and as he looked at it, a spark of hope ignited in him. It was a metal rod.
Immediately, just as his bubble popped, Steven grasped onto the rod and darted it straight into the creature's throat.
It choked and whimpered in pain as it dropped to the ground, taking it's final blow from Steven with his shield.
The creature reduced into clouds.

Steven looked around as the smoke cleared, but there was no sign of a gem. 
Nothing but just the lump of flesh were evident of the creature's existence.
"What the heck just happened?",
Steven questioned to himself, knowing that he was merely in the fate of doom if it weren't for the metal rod he had abruptly found.
"The metal rod", he exclaimed as he knelt down to grab it.
He caressed his finger across it and frowned upon knowing who it belonged to.
"Dad...", Steven mumbled, but he was abruptly interrupted by a sound coming from the lump of flesh.
He quickly got up and summoned his shield again as he aimed it straight for the lump as he approached closer, but, the sound stopped.

All the while, the cold night breeze was blowing oddly strong, but there were no dark clouds to signify that a storm was coming. His attention shifted over to the sky.
Oddly enough that the blue hue of space had intensified, the clouds and stars were nowhere in sight.
A rumbling sound emitted from the lump of flesh now, but it was overlapped with a loud wailing coming from a wailing stone.

All sounds were now muted except for the loud wailing of the wailing stone. But... there were no wailing stones anywhere in sight. The sky began to drop closer, not even looking like a sky but more of a dark abyss of nothingness. Everything around Steven zoomed closer to him. The seas crashing along the shore of the beach blurred, his dad's carwash building became blurred, the whole town blurred and all that was left surrounding Steven was just the lump of flesh as the moment intensified with the wailing stone becoming louder.

The poor boy had his hands pressed against his ears tightly to block out the sound, but it was no use. Steven could only witness as the black void surrounding him slowly consume him and the lump of flesh, as it rumbled uncontrollably. His breathing went out of control and a burning sensation could be felt in his lungs, but that didn't allow Steven to not see a hand plopping out from the flesh.
His eyes widened but his sight was now consumed with pure blackness.

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