Chapter 4

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Steven awoke to a sound of humming. He hastily sat up and gasped as sweat drenched his body.
He rubbed his eyes, trying to make out the surrounding as he squinted to a hazy sight. The humming faded away as he gained consciousness.

Normally, he would wake up to see the bright orange streaks of sunlight, showering him through the window by his bedside, but now, he found himself waking up on a green sofa in someone else's living room.

It didn't take him long to realize that he was in Connie's home. Steven looked around, hoping to see a familiar face but, nobody was there. He wiped off a drop of sweat that formed by his cheek and groaned in frustration, but not long after, footsteps strode into the room. He gasped as he saw Connie approach him.

"Connie!" he exclaimed as Connie walked in, eyes closed, humming a tune. Her eyes went wide as she eagerly shouted back, "Steven!!!"
Both of them ran to each other and hugged tightly. Connie pulled away from the hug as she immediately questioned, "A-a- are you okay? We found you lying in the middle of the road last night and you looked like you were badly injured.", she pulled him to a hug again and sighed.
"Connie, I- there was-...", Steven struggled to find words.
"There was this huge monster by the car wash last night. It was eating something, but I couldn't see what. I think it was a corrupted gem of some sort. The- then...",
"Stop", Connie interrupted. "Why don't we sit down and you could tell me all about it from the top..", Connie smiled out of relief knowing Steven was fine.

For the past few minutes, Connie listened to Steven's explanation, as she occasionally took a few sips of tea from the cup she held in her hand. She of course offered some tea for Steven but he politely declined. Connie listened attentively as Steven went on with what had happened that night.
".. After defeating that thing, I began to feel dizzy and everything started to become blurry. For some reason, there was a hand that emerged from that lump of flesh and a wailing stone wailed aloud out of nowhere. Then, I just...passed out... ", Steven said as he rubbed his bandaged right arm.

"Wow, just like that?...", Connie questioned, "where are the gems? Shouldn't they have been there with you?"
  "No. They've been gone for almost a week. I have no idea where they are! I mean, who knows what they could be doing?", Steven stood up and briskly slid out of the thick layer of insulation that was wrapped around him.
"What are you doing?", Connie asked putting down the cup of tea she held onto a table. "I wish I could stay longer Connie but I need to head back home. I've got to check on Peridot, she's all alone."
Suddenly, the door that lead to the garage had opened and standing in the doorway was Mrs. Maheswaran.

"Morning, Connie...", she hollered in a raspy voice drowsily. She closed the door behind her and widened her eyes as she met Steven coincidentally standing right in front of her way.
"Oh, Steven. How are you honey?", she asked before heading straight into the living room to drop her bag and back to check on him. "How are you feeling?", she yawned as her hand rested onto his forehead and onto his cheeks, "You don't seem to be burning up anymore.".
"I feel fine Dr. Maheswaran, I was just going to head back home.", Steven replied. He only took a few steps to the door before he got pulled back by mrs. Maheswaran. "Where do you think you're going?", she asked, trying to sound stern but her tiredness got the best of her. "I'm just heading home-",
"Home?, oh no you don't. You've got to stay here until I finish a check up on you. Who knows what could happen!",

Steven noticed the dark bags under Mrs. Maheswaran's eyes, and he clearly knew that she was very sleepy, "Oh I feel completely fine. You don't have to do that Dr. Maheswaran. You look very tired, maybe you should get some rest."
He tried to convince her however Mrs. Maheswaran insisted.
"Oh no, you aren't going an-", she paused as she yawned,  "-anywhere, until I've done a check up on you. Besides I'm not going to let you walk your way home from here to beach city. Give me your father's contact and I'll call him to pick you up here.",
"But-", Steven mumbled but it was no use. She had already made her way to her bag to get her stethoscope.

Steven looked at Connie who had been staring out the window, lost in her thoughts. Steven sighed and stared out the window as well, worrying about Peridot who was all alone at his home.

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