Chapter 2

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Pearl awoke in the state of drowsiness. She found herself lying on a dusty stone ground in some sort of cave,  but out of her blurred vision, she could make out two blobs of shadow standing before her.
One of them being tall and square-ish and the other was short and plump.
"A- amethyst?..... Garnet?...",
She blurted out with a sore throat.

Her vision slowly adjusted and surely enough that it was indeed them.
"Wh- where am I?",
Pearl continued as she rubbed both her eyes with her palms. Amethyst lent a hand to Pearl and helped her up from the ground,
"Hey, P!", Amethyst greeted as her voice echoed aloud.
"Wh- where are we?", Pearl blurted once again, but she wasn't thinking straight to process the situation.
A second later, realisation came to her that she wasn't in the temple,
"W - WHERE ARE WE?! What is this place? Why was I unconscious?! Where is STEVEN?!",

"PEARL!...", Garnet interrupted as she clenched onto Pearl's arms.
"Stay calm..", Garnet lifted her hand and slapped Pearl's face a few times to regain her calmness.
"Ah, okay... okay..", Pearl interjected as she lightly pushed Garnet away from her.

Pearl's attention turned to the surrounding. Dreary, gray walls of stone was all around them. The rock formation seemed as if they were deep underground, possibly even caved in, well, that's the possibility that Pearl didn't wanted to believe.
She glanced around their little isolation. Not else but stone could be seen, but the corner grounds were decorated with spiking crystals which brought a little atmosphere.

"How did we get here?", Pearl abruptly said as Amethyst and Garnet snapped away from their thought pondering,
"We have literally no idea. Garnet couldn't even remember anything before we got here too.",
Amethyst replied shrugging her shoulders in confusion.
As she said this, Pearl grew worried again. The feeling of hyperventilating uprose in her, but she managed to contain her panic.
Silence overthrew the scene.
Nothing but just utter quietness could be heard as all three gems glared at the surrounding. Still processing on what had happened to them.

"Well...", Garnet snapped as Amethyst and Pearl jumped. "What are we waiting for? Lets get out of here!",
She declared as her left hand summoned a gauntlet.
Amethyst and Pearl looked at each other and nodded in determination and both summoned their weapons as well.
Garnet firstly walked up to one of the stone walls as she glanced at it's curving upward structure.
She scanned for a weak point across the uneven stone while also peeping a look into the future for a spot she could possibly punch to crack, but she condemned.

She couldn't see a single probable future where she would reach that goal.
Unfortunately, the futures she saw, weren't the brightest. She could see a blurred scene where everyone was in... despair, and an unmet foe was looming before them.
Just as the three gems thought on how to get out, a loud explosion occured causing the whole cave to rumble.
Amethyst was on the ground after tumbling due to the explosion. Pearl was incongruous and oblivious on what went on, but Garnet maintained her anger- filled scowl.
Just as she had saw in her future vision, the enigmatic individual had stumbled into their place of isolation.
Standing before all three of them was a towering, elite gem.
She wasn't corrupted.

The smoke cleared and she was visible in plain sight.
Her features were oddly unordinary for the gems to depict her.
She was pale, gray and completely covered in lavish clothing.
A long cloak caped her as a crescent diamond pinned her appendages below her neck. Her head had few sprouts of hair, but all else, she was merely bald.
None of them recognised who she was as she stood poised before them. However once Pearl had adjusted her sight, she gasped in pure terror. She clenched both her hands onto her mouth as memories flowed back to her, and tears flowed down her cheeks.
"It's you..", Pearl mumbled before being shoved and kicked down by the enigmatic gem.
"Aagh.!", Pearl cried out in pain as she hit the cave walls hard after an aggressive shove by the gray gem.
Amethyst shrieked, "Pearl!", in panic as she immediately glared at their foe with a blushed scowl.
Amethyst's whip lashed the ground in a swift summon as she sprinted her way over to the tall gem,
"Amethyst, NO!", Garnet exclaimed but amethyst ignored her.

"Ugh..", Pearl wailed as she witnessed her compatriots attempt to fight off this enigma.
All the while, as Amethyst and Garnet attacked (which had no effect) the tall, gray gem fixated her vision onto Pearl.
Pearl's eyes were locked onto her as well, as if she was in some sort of trance.
All of a sudden, she snapped out from the trance and she could see what went on surrounding her.
Garnet was apparently able to knock the gem by a weak point causing her to tumble a few steps and break the trance she placed on Pearl. The gray gem's eyes shut as she stood back straight, but what happened next made Garnet regret her action.

The gem's eyes opened and a menacing scowl portrayed her face.
In a swift attack, the gem summoned a sharp weapon and aimed it straight for Garnet, leaving her into clouds.
A Ruby and a Sapphire gem fell flat onto the ground as Amethyst witnessed in pure terror at Garnet's partial demise.
Pearl gasped and placed her palms over her mouth. Amethyst was now cowardice to even act strong.
She was scared. The gem who they had abruptly just met about 15 seconds ago had just poofed the strongest crystal gem into clouds.

The gray gem now faced Amethyst.
However Amethyst backed away and struggled to gather her courage as she was still scalded in slight fear.
But no matter how scared she was, she got up and put on a strong glare as she shouted
"Hey! You think you can just pick fights on us like this? Who the heck ARE Y-...", a sharp object impaled straight to Amethyst's naval.
Purple smoke bursted into the air as amethyst's gem dropped to the stone ground.

"Aaagghagh!!", Pearl shrieked as the gem placed a blank look at her.
She approached closer to Pearl and slowly, as her towering shadow silhouetted over Pearl, Pearl could feel herself losing consciousness as all of what she last saw was a blurred out sight fading into darkness.

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