Operation: Overwhelming Force

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OP: Oscar Foxtrot, or Overwhelming Force, was a all out raid from 9 Battalions of Marines, Army, Saudi and Israeli forces. I was apart of Razor Platoon, 1st squad, A company, 1st Battalion. We where nicknamed Latin hero's, long story short we got our names based from Rome and its culture. Fun fact actually, I would've been named Venus if I wasnt Sicarius already.

Sergeant Diaz, Calsign Scipio, Squad lead. Private First Class Newnan, Calsign Mars, Rifleman and my battle buddy. Private Freedman, Calsign Janus, Platoon Medic. Lance Corporal Reynar, Calsign Sicarius, Squad Marksman. Probably should've mentioned, when I first when through MKSM training I was 20, at this point I was 25 and now, as you know, I am 28 now
(Very huge jump in between here^ and here >)" CHECK RIGHT, CHECK RIGHT! " I screamed as gunshots whent over my head. " WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY COMMING FROM? " I had yelled over to Mars.
" FUCK IF I KNOW MAN. " Mars had yelled back.
" ALRIGHT COVER ME. " I yelled getting into a crouched standing position like an Olympic runner " BOUNDING! " I yelled at the top of my lungs and then started running into the building slightly off to my right. While running I heard my Battle Buddy yell to me to turn back and stay put; but because of the explosions and gunshots I could barely hear shit. The last thing I remember from the op was feeling a click under my foot and the building infront of me going on top of me.

Miraculously I was fine except for a few scars and here and there, and a chunk of my ear missing, with a little bit of deafness in my right ear, and granted ptsd is a bitch and this why I have it; but, otherwise I was fine tho I was deemed combat ineffective and was given 1 year of advanced notice that I will be dicharged from the Marine Corps when my units tour ends, so therefore I requested to transfer to Military Police for the base I was stationed on: Simply because they were understaffed. I did however stay as a marksman, that I was happy about.

What I did find funny was not 2 years later when I was 23 I had been shot and stabbed when we did raid on the Isis, what also sucked about that was it was 2-3 days after my birthday. But otherwise I was fine, I wasn't hit in any vital parts of my body that they know of, surprisingly.

Calsign: SicariusWhere stories live. Discover now