Entry 002: Inspiration?

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Where do you get the inspiration for your stories? Just wondering :)


Hey NyxisChan! Thanks for dropping by a message. Have a great day, kind one!


To be honest, I haven’t really written that much. Just a little more than your average couch-potato.

Even if I had, it would be many resembling layers of fine ol’ repetition.

Very rarely, like very very rarely have I ever gone like ‘Oh! I should totally conclude with a happy ending full of rainbows and unicorns pooping out butterflies and shit. Oh my sheep, happy rainbows = original! Yah gurl’.

Oh hell no.

You know, I really hate the degree from where I’m standing.

I hate how the world sort of like flaps before me, appearing such Google-worthy, fairy tale-like scenes everyone wants to see, and would shove aside all the revolting sickness in order to see when you have to witness all its shit and gore and maggots in silence. Urgh, gross!

It’s really sad too, when you search up statistics of teens and their friendly bonding with the sinister existence of depression.

Not saying I have depression or anything, because some very nice soul out there would probably deserve your many bags full of kindness instead of me.

I’d much rather refer to it as just my … over cynical thoughts.

A lot of stuff in my stories are quite … relative to me? There are particular scenes in there that are really personal to me, just used in a fictional manner.


One thing I can guarantee, it could almost come from anything!

Like legit, ANYTHING!

A horrible, shitty day those retarded souls in miniskirts shove down my throat?

I write.

Their 21st century bitchy personalities mutates into a new villain, a new plot twist, and an extra few reads.

It’s exciting, grand, so … so positive how all these shit things I used to mope over and lie in bed all day crying over had turned into something I can relay back, grin, and write out a witty comeback.

That’s how I deal with everything bad.

They turn into butterflies of inspiration.

But then again, this doesn’t always work.

Sometimes, these ‘bad days’ backfires and blocks up my brain, bringing up all these revolting, sick, unproductive, just plain bad feelings whelming up inside me.

That’s when I take breaks and pick up my guitar.

Again, inspiration :)

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