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It all started on a rainy day in Brighton, the clouds were grey and crowds of people rushed along the cobblestoned paths of the lanes.

Y/N, who'd recently moved down from London was caught in said rain, her soaking wet hair fell over her eyes as she rushed through the busy streets of people trying to find shelter.

"I thought this was supposed to be sunny seaside town." Y/N mumbled to herself as she walked out of the lanes and onto one of the main roads, jogging over to a bus shelter.

The bus shelter was surprisingly mostly empty, apart from a rather beautiful looking blonde woman who sat watching the rain.

Y/N looked the timetable, no buses for  twenty minutes.

Groaning she rummaged through her bag for some headphones, to her dismay she'd seemed to of left them at home.

She sat back on the bus shelters seats, watching the rain fall, trying to ignore the fact her gaydar was going off the charts.

"Weathers nice isnt it? Ive always adored rain, well I say always, I think there was a few hundred years when I couldnt stand it." The blonde woman commented.

Y/N smiled awkwardly, not knowing if she should laugh or not at the womans joke.

"I've seen better days." Y/N replied, wondering if the woman would continue the conversation.

"Its better when its rainbow." The woman said after a short pause.

Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion "When whats rainbow?"

"The rain," The woman said casually "So do you live here then? I've always meant to come but never had the chance, my friend Yaz suggested it. We're travellers you see, I decided to take her down for the day."

Y/N suddenly felt a pang of jealously, so she had friends with her..."Oh, uh yeah, just moved from London a few weeks ago actually."

"London? Awesome! From London to Brighton, think its  an improvement?" The woman said grinning.

"Yeah, I havent really had a chance to look around though, been too busy with packing." Y/N said.

The woman stayed quiet for a moment "Want to go get some tea and have a look around then?" She said eagerly leaping up.

Y/N bit the inside of her lip nervously, it wasnt like her to smalltalk with strange women at bus stops, let alone have tea with them "What about your friend Yaz?" She said.

"Yaz? She'll be fine!" The woman exclaimed, grabbing Y/Ns hand and pulling her forwards "By the way, I'm the doctor."

Y/N felt her lips creep into a smile"Y/N, and... I dont mean to be forward but are you...uh... asking me out?"

The doctor throwned, as if she was thinking it through in her head, suddenly she linked arms with Y/N a warm puppy like smile plastered on her happy face "Yes, thats it. Y/N I'm asking you out on a tea related date."

Y/N blushed "Good."

Hi, hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night.

This imagine was rather shitty, but hopefully the others wont be as shitty, so theres that to look forward to.

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