Christmas kiss//Thirteen

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You were in love with The Doctor, obsessed, entranced, memorised by her.

Except she didn't have the fainest  idea.

You couldn't decide what the best part about her was, maybe it was her constant excitement, the way her eyes lit up when seeing something knew or when an idea sprung to mind.

Maybe it was her smile, or the distant look she had when thinking.

It could be the way she looked at you sometimes, like you were the most important thing in the world, like she could only see you, and nothing else mattered.

Or maybe everything was perfect, everything was your favourite part.

Probably the last one.

"You've got to tell her." Ryan said, watching The Doctor run around the console as you and the others sat watching her.

"Tell her what?" You replied, blushing deeply.

"That you're madly in love with-" Graham started before you swatted him.

Yaz laughed "They're right Y/N, its getting out of hand."

You thought about what they said over the passing months, they were right, it was getting out of hand.

The staring was a problem, the minutes that'd pass where you couldn't speak because you were lost in thought as you watched her.

The horrible flirting, when you'd try and fail to 'seduce' her like Ryan suggested once. The Doctor luckily didnt notice, but still, she had that look in her eyes.

The holding hands was bad, really bad. When The Doctor playfully held your hand once you froze, like, completely froze. After a few minutes of silence and your hand getting awkwardly sweaty she let go, acting like nothing had happened.

You hated it when she acted like nothing happened.

"Christmas is coming up," Yaz said one day, sitting with you and The Doctor as you watched the lost traloozean sunset. "What are your plans Y/N?"

"Nothing really, I'll probably just watch shitty Netflix originals while eating roast potatoes." You laughed.

"No family to spend the day with?" The Doctor asked, her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Not really." You replied, biting the inside of your lip and focusing on the sunset.

"No! No, that won't do will it Yaz? We'll all hang out for Christmas, have dinner at the Tardis and maybe go caroling with Queen Victoria!" The Doctor said excitedly, her eyes lighting up.

"Oh, I cant really, hanging out with my family. I doubt Ryan and Graham can either." Yaz said, lying through her teeth. You knew perfectly well that Yaz and the others could go.

"Oh..." the Doctor paused, looking at you with a smile "just you and me then Y/N."

Just you, and The Doctor.

Just you, and The Doctor.

You couldn't decide if this was heaven or hell.

Maybe it was both.

After days of worrying and having several breakdowns while deciding what to wear the day came, you sat in your F/O (favourite outfit) plus a Christmas jumper The Doctor had given you as an early present, you waited in your living room patiently for the familiar blue box to arrive.

Was it normal to be this nervous? Maybe? maybe not?

You just had to remember this was not a date. Just celebrating Christmas with a friend.

Just that, nothing more.

The Tardis (or the ghost monument as The Doctor had been calling it) slowly materialised in the living room, blowing your hair and the items around you in a rather dramatic entrance.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" The Doctor shouted, her head coming into view as she swung open the Tardis doors.

"Merry Christmas." You replied, grinning at her as you entered through the Tardis doors.

The Doctor stood, grinning from ear to ear in a Christmas hat, holding another in her hand.

"You wore the jumper." She said, handing you the hat with a dorkish smile.

"How could I not?" You said rolling your eyes and putting on the hat.

The Doctor grabbed your hand, leading you to the Tardis  console. "Queen V can't make it, so I thought we'd just spend today inside the Tardis, maybe have dinner with Santa or something?"

"Perfect." You said, the Doctor still hadn't let go of your hand and was now staring at you with that same smile, the one which made you feel so special.

The hours seemed to fly by, baking cookies in the very large kitchen the Doctor swore she didn't know existed and watching the Doctors favourite Christmas movie.( Nativity two, for some reason shes fascinated with Tennant)

You found yourself becoming less awkward and wishing this day would last forever.

After an interesting dinner with a man the Doctor insisted was Santa you sat with her, legs out of the Tardis doors as you stared at planet earth.

"Its so weird seeing it like this." You said, watching the planet as you tried to figure out where your house was.

"Hmm." The Doctor murmured, you tutned your head to see she was staring at you.

"Whats wrong?" You asked in confusion.

"Nothings wrong Y/N...its just..." she stumbled over her words "...Ikindalikeyoualotandmaybeloveyousorrybutyourfacejustmakesmehappy."

"Excuse me?" You laughed, trying to figure out what she said.

Before you could think the Doctor lunged forwards, making you almost fall out of the Tardis, her arms wrapped around you so you were steady "Can I kiss you?"

You could feel the Doctors breath on your skin, she was so close.

You couldn't quite understand what she was saying, it was like your world has slowed down, but you found yourself nodding.

The Doctors lips connected with yours, her head tilting slightly as one hand cupped around your face, you found yourself kissing back.

After a moment she pulled away, with a big grin from ear to ear "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." You grinned, taking her hand in yours and squeezing it tightly.

The beginning of a few Christmas one shots imma dO

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