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"Doctor? Doctor where are you?" I called out into the darkness, I heard a distant drip drip of water as I wondered through the tardis.

"Welcome to the tardis." I heard the Doctors voice say, coming from the console room. A distant glow appeared guiding me along.

"Wow, Doctor its amazing!" A female voice squealed excitedly.

"Doctor?" I called out again, stumbling along towards the voices.

"All of time and space, anything that ever happened or ever will. Just us two." The doctors voice said, I could almost see the smirk in his words.

"What about that friend of yours? Y/N?" The girls voice asked.

"What about her? Shes nothing, just a stupid human." He laughed, it was a cold, unfamiliar laugh.

The glow guided me up the stairs, until I saw the backs of the doctor and the girl.

"Doctor... whats going on? Did I do something wrong? I...I'm sorry." I said, tears stinging my eyes slightly, I brushed them away, this couldn't be happening.

The Doctor turned around, a cold smirk on his face, he looked me up and down "Oh Y/N, how did you ever believe I cared for you? You're nothing, just another human in a long line of humans. Zoe here's a time lady, someone on my own level. But she's never seen space before, so I'm taking her, shes your replacement." He said, laughing cruelly.

The girl turned around, wrapping her arms around the doctor as they laughed together.

He leaned down, cupping her face in his hands,

Their eyes interlocked,

Their lips...


I sat up in bed, panting heavily, swet covering my back, I wrapped my arms around myself quickly.

It was a dream, a cruel dream.

I breathed heavily, trying to calm myself down as my eyes adjusted to the light.

I quickly reached for the lightswitch, my body shaking.

"Just a dream, just a dream." I said to myself.

I pinched myself, why was I so scared? Sure I had a small crush on the doctor, but it was just a dream, just a stupid dream.

I pushed those thoughts back, stepping out of bed and grabbing a robe, I needed to think.

I stepped out of my room and down one of the many corridors of the tardis.

"Now where on earth is the kitchen?" I mumbled to myself, I'd been travelling with the doctor for over a year now and I still couldn't figure out where everything was.

After ten minutes of searching through what felt like endless corridors I managed to find the tardis kitchen.

I opened the fridge, yawning as I pulled out a carton of chocolate milk.

I reminded myself it was just a dream and...just a crush, as I poured myself a glass of chocolate milk.

"Y/N? What are you doing awake?" The doctors voice said, making me drop my glass in shock.

"Shit, uh sorry, sorry." I mumbled, dropping to the floor as I grabbed a tea towel from the kitchen side and began to clear up the mess I'd made.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" The Doctor asked worriedly as he bent down to help me.

"Yeah, sorry you just startled me." I said, not looking up at him.

"Y/N, you're shaking," the Doctor said, taking my hand "Why are you awake?"

I looked up at him, his face was filled with concern, my heart melted at the sight "I... I had a nightmare." I said, picking up the glass and standing up.

I placed the glass on the kitchen side, what must of been less then a second later I felt the doctors arms wrapped around me "What happened?" He said, pulling away after a moment, his arms still tightly around me.

"Its nothing, really." I mumbled trying to avoid his worried gaze.

"Y/N, what happened?" He repeated.

I finally looked at him, our eyes connecting "Its stupid... you, uh, you replaced me...said I was nothing to you... said I was just another stupid human, that I wasnt special." I said, a few tears falling down my face.

The Doctor brushed the tears away softly "You? Not special? Rubbish. You, Y/N, are the most amazing, special human I have ever met. Do you really think I could replace you?"

I felt my heart beat faster, did he really mean it?

"So... you care about me?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly.

"Y/N, I adore you." He said, hugging me again.

I rested my head against him, listening to the beat of his two hearts.

I closed my eyes, holding him tightly, without even thinking or really knowing it I whispered "I love you."

The Doctor let go of me, taking a step back "What did you just say?" He asked, his warm smile and concerned gaze gone and replaced with an unreadable one.

"I... I'm sorry, I dont know what I was saying it's nothing really." I said quickly, desperate to change the subject.

"You love me." He said, not as a question... more as a statement.

More tears rolled down my face now, I felt my world crumble, this was it. This was the end.

"I... I'm sorry." I whispered, I knew how it was. He'd told me about his past companions hitting on him, Martha and Amy, it never worked out. He'd told me about Rose, about how badly it turned out, so when I said I was sorry... I meant it.

Without another word the Doctor rushed forwards, kissing me.

It only lasted for a moment, his hands in my hair, mine in his.

He pulled away, awkwardly, his hands clapping together "Well! I- uh- love you too?" He said, turning and walking out the door.


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