chapter 1

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Once upon a time, miles away from here, there was a magical world where magical creatures lived. Those creatures were made from elements. There were four types of creatures: fire, water, earth and air. They all lived happily together. But one day... The darkness found them. It didn't have anything, but only... darkness. It needed some elements, so one day every year, it came to their village and swallowed them. But one day, a fire creature called Fireman beat it with his light for ever. The darkness never showed up again.

14 years later they were all happy again. Fireman was their king and he had a son, Fireboy. Fireboy had a girlfriend, Airgirl, who was rich and beautiful, but she was a horrible person. She played it nice with Fireboy but she was cruel and rude with everyone else - especially with his best friend, Watergirl. Watergirl and Fireboy were best friends since they were babies. Watergirl was secretly in love with Fireboy, but she didn't want to reveal her feelings for him because she thought he wouldn't feel the same because of Airgirl.

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