1~ Sisters Help

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*The story is in Lara jeans POV, but I'll let you know if it's in someone else's or changes...🙃👍🏼*

It's the last few days before winter break ends, the last few days I get to hide out at home, in my room and not have to deal with Peter. I haven't talked to him since We got back from the ski trip, he's called and texted me a couple times but I think he's given up because I haven't been responding to him. I don't want to talk to him right now, I don't even know what I would say, probably something I'd regret. I'm just so mad and sad at both him and myself right now but mostly myself because I was dumb enough to fall for Peter Kavinsky and think that something real was starting to happen between us, something that wasn't fake. I let myself believe it wasn't fake sometimes because it was so easy to be with him, it felt real. He let me believe that he actually liked me too but it was all just for show so he could make Gen jealous. it's funny because I knew that was the plan from the start,  "make Gen jealous enough to wear she would want to get back together with him."
so why am I feeling like this? I don't know why, I uess I just didn't expect to feel this way after the relationship, or wherever it was ended, no matter how or in what way it did end. I honestly don't even know why I started to think it was turning into something real. Was it because I've never had a boyfriend before and liked to call someone mine even if it was fake? Or was it because of the way he treated me, not just around others but when it was just the two of us? The way he acted towards my family? I don't know why or how I started to feel that way but I do know for sure that I feel like a complete idiot for even thinking that Peter Kavinsky could like me the same way I liked him.

I've been sitting in my room all day reading, when all the sudden I get a text from a number I don't know, I opened it up and saw that It was a video. I press play and saw two people making out in a hot tub and instantly thought about Peter and I. When I was done daydreaming I realized something, Peter and I were the only two in the hot tub that night on the ski trip... So I watched it again and saw that the video was of Peter and myself. I screamed so loud that I could feel my ears ring a bit. I knew I had to do something to get it taken down before anyone else saw it and Said something to make me feel more humiliated and embarrassed than I already am, so I went to Margot. We've barely spoken since last week, and I know she's mad at me right now but I really need someone I trust to help me with this and who could I trust more than my older sister.

"Gogo I really need your help...please."

After she agreed to help I explained to her what was going on and began to freak out.

"Woah woah, Lara Jean you need to calm down everything is going to be fine."


"You'll be fine, and really it's more worse for Peter than it is for you."

"It's never more worse for the guys Gogo. Everyone already knows that Peter lost his virginity to Gen years ago so it won't be a big deal for him, but me... I'm known as innocent little Lara Jean at school So this will be what the school gossips about for the rest of junior year, AND IT ISN'T EVEN TRUE!" I start to cry.

"Lara Jean we're working on getting it taken down right now so by the time you go back to school I'm sure everyone will have already forgotten about this whole thing." She hugged me and wiped my tears.

"Yeah you're probably right, I'm probably just overreacting and being a little paranoid." She gives me a little head nod.

Me and you always|| Lara Jean and Peter K.Where stories live. Discover now