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You were a rather quiet person in all honesty.

Lets just say social gatherings weren't really your thing.....

Another birthday party for a coworker was tonight and as usual you'd been dragged along by your other overly eager coworkers.

You sighed and had secluded yourself to an abandoned corner of the room, hoping to avoid your coworkers drunken shenanigans.
(You'd rather not drink honestly, so currently you are sipping a glass of non-alcoholic punch.)

You really didn't like being in large groups at all.

Maybe it was due to your minor PTSD,  caused by an earlier childhood event that somewhat scarred you.

You shuddered even thinking about it.

You were snapped out of your thoughts quickly and suddenly however, when your friend Erica stumbled over in a somewhat drunken stupor.

"Oh my gaaawwwwd.....Y/n you have to try the Jello shots, they're so-*hic* good."

"Ah....hahaha....you'll have to excuse me but I need to use the restroom."

You chuckled nervously and started to back away nervously, inching away like a trapped mouse.

When you felt the bend in the wall that led to the hallway, you darted down it as quickly as possible.


You swiftly stepped into the mens room, locking the stall door behind you.

You pulled ouy your phone and checked the time.

Eleven o'clock.....goddammit.

It was already almost midnight and you wanted nothing more then to just go home.

As you made your way out of the bathroom, something caught your eye.

Employees only. Do not enter.

Maybe it would lead you out? Hell, maybe not but anywhere was better than here.

You glanced around.

"Excuse me, Mr. L/n but what are you doing?"

You whipped around, eyes darting to said person frantically.

"O-Oh...Mr. Jameson how are you?"

Mr. Jameson puffed at his cigarette.

"Just fine. Where yah runnin' off to? The party's that way!"

Your mind quickly searched for an excuse.

"Well I'm not really feeling all that well sir, but I didn't want to be a party pooper, so I thought I'd slip away for a bit until I felt better."

"I see..."

Jameson mumbled, glancing down the hallway.

"Well have a good night then. Don't forget about the interview this friday."

You nodded assent before darting away to what was possibly freedom.

As your lungs breathed the cool night air, you accidently bumped into someone whilst in your ecstatic stupor.

"O-Oh...sorry about that. Didn't see you there."

"Whatever. Watch where you're goin"

Yeeeash...what was his problem.

It took a moment for you to realise you recognized the figure who now stood glaring at you.

Eddie brock.

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