Home sweet home.

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The moment you felt the door shut behind you, you breathed a loud sigh of relief.

It really did feel like you had the worst luck.

You hadn't seen Brock in such a long time that seeing his narcissistic butt that seeing him so suddenly had thrown you off.

Not just seeing him in general but being hit on.

Who did he think he was?!

Leonardo DiCaprio???

He'd treated you like crap and ignored your very existence for the entire time he worked at the daily bugle!

Yeeshh....what a cocky asshat.

Finally, you loosened your tie, walking up the stairs and into your bedroom.

You needed a shower.


Seeing Brock made you feel.....the thoughts- goddammit shut up, Y/n.

You stripped down feeling guilty of all of the dirty thoughts that had previously flooded your mind for a moment.


You grumbled.

"Stupid nice hair, fricken sexy smirk, fucking leather jacket- God fucking dammit, and his stupid ab's"

You relaxed but still grumbled feeling the hot water run down your back.

Little did you know about the black figure clinging to the wall just outside of your bathroom- Listening intently.

'Heh-heh....We are sssssexy~?'

Brock rolled his eyes and interjected.

"No, he thinks I'M sexy Venom, not you."

"Awwww but he is cute, we would not mind-"


"Awe, buts our tongue can do sooooo much more than your's~"

"Shut up, Parasite."

"Hmph....and anyways do you even have a plan? What if he already jas another?"

"I am much better looking than any damn schmuck off the street and can fuck him better too....he will be mine."

"If you can even talk to him, let alone get into his pants....you humans are quite possessive of things that aren't even yours-"


"Whatever you say."

"Must you always be so sarcastic?"


"Ugh...Just-keep your hands off, okay??"

"No promises...we are one anyways, remember?😉"

Your POV:

"What was that?"

Venom and Eddie flinched in unison.



And quickly leapt into that shadows.

You glanced out your window.


You mumbled, walking to your towel rack and wrapping it around your waist (The towel not the rack.)

The two of them waited until you trekked back into your bedroom.

"Very nice indeed-"



"I really need a nap and a bunch of food...."

You sighed, flopping down on your bed, phone in hand.

You scrolled through your messages, looking through your numbers when suddenly an unfamiliar one showed up.

#Hey....you up?

You looked at it curiously.

*Who is this???


You rolled your eyes.



*How'd you get my number? I never gave it to you???

#Oh erm......I uh still had it from work....

*You sure you're not stalking me?

Eddie and venom glanced at you through your window.


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