The Name's Cletus! Pt.1

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You awoke the next morning feeling somewhat.......uneasy?

With a shrug you slid out of bed, merely dismissing is as butterflies considering you and Brock's erm.....Date on saturday.

But wait.....was it a date?

You really weren't sure what it was and hold on now, should you really think an asshole like Brock would take you of all people in a date?

Yeah, right.

Hell, he might stand you up.

You never know.

You shifted an arm through your closet wondering what you should wear for the day.

You didn't have work, thank god.

You eventually settled for a pair of jeans, a tight fitting t-shirt and a brown leather jacket.

You plucked up your cellphone, taking a quick look at the news.

"Carnage massacres Outlet mall in Manhattan! Spiderman to the rescue?"

You rolled your eyes, stuffing your phone back into your pocket.

You didn't really care much about Spiderman or supervillains.

Hell, Jameson talked about spiderman and obsessed over him so much that in all honesty anytime you heard the name you just kind of shrugged and left the conversation due to disinterest.

You left your bedroom walking into your kitchen to look for some breakfast.

But you still couldn't seem to shake the uneasy feeling that something was off.



Carnage thought, looking in through the window.

'Why does he look familiar?'

Carnage, while on the run had found an apartment that looked like a pretty decent hiding spot, however it appeared you were inside of it.

Carnage of course, simply was going to kill you and hide in the apartment, something about you however, made Cletus hesitate.




A hand suddenly enclosed against your mouth, keeping you quiet.



Eddie had just so happened to be walking by to erm....spy on you when he noticed him.



Brock had reacted quickly, launching himself through your living room window and tugging you out into the hallway of the apartment complex before shutting your door.

He removed his hand from your mouth.

"-what the actual fuck Eddie-"

"Ah look, I'll tell you what's going on, I swear-"

"Why the fuck did you just break into my apartment?!"


"You broke my fucking window, Goddammit!"

Both Eddie's hands firmly gripped your shoulders and with complete seriousness he said:

"Look, I'm sorry but it's really important. I'll pay to fix the window but right now I just really need you to come with me, okay?"

"Erm....this is really fucking weird Eddie."

"I know, I know.....just come with me? Please?"



"Alright. Fine....but you couldn't have just knocked?"

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