
85 4 54

Name: Raven Locker

Age: 18


Likes: Reading, Writing, Music, and Spell books

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Likes: Reading, Writing, Music, and Spell books.

Dislikes: the sun, overly happy people

Powers: she is able to master simple spells with ease and harder spells take a few months

Weaponry: her spell books

Theme Song:

Sexuality: Pansexaul

Weakness: her Father

Other: if she has her spell book she will be able to cast a spell. She can't do much without one. She does not have many friends. Her Father is a bad dude. Raven doesn't have very good social skills.

Backstory: as a kid, Raven was stuck with her father after her mother up and left. Her father began to work on things. As in things I mean on her. He'd make sure to have her do things that kids shouldn't. Threwout her life she hated her father for many reasons.

Pasta/Proxy: Pasta

Catchphrase: My book shall cast you into hell.

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