Jack Miller

14 0 3

Name: Jack Miller

Age: depends on Rp

Gender: male

Birthday: April 13



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Likes: his little, music, bands, cuddles, horror movies, nap time with his little

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Likes: his little, music, bands, cuddles, horror movies, nap time with his little.

Dislikes: anyone who tries to hurt him or his little, rude people, when his little is bad, when his little is sick.

Personality: Seriously can’t say no to his little. Is a really loving person and will take in anyone in need. He prefers if his little listens. He can rip off your face so..don’t mess with him. He has terrible anger issues. He’s overly emotional.

Favorite Food: anything that consists of meat.

Rules: 1. Do as daddy says.

2. Don’t leave without daddy.

3. Bedtime is ALWAYS 10 pm.

4. Nap time is ALWAYS 11 am.

5. Never go into daddys room when the door is closed.

6. Don’t touch daddys things.

Other: Nothing really.

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