Jason S.

15 1 9

Name: Jason S.
Age: 21

Age: 21Looks:

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Likes: Books, movies, cuddles, anyone and everyoneDislikes: bullies, jails, and most bad things

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Likes: Books, movies, cuddles, anyone and everyone
Dislikes: bullies, jails, and most bad things. At times.
Other: He's a real fighter and will gladly kick someone in the crotch. He's secretly gay.

Quirk: Rewind

Quirk after math: if He uses his quirk for way too long a small horn will start to form on his head. Also making him a bit scared of everything he sees.

How it's used: If he touches someone with both of his hands they will start to age backwards. So he wears gloves to protecc himself uwu

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