Chapter 1 - Be More Thankful

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"Seriously mom, just how many pies do you plan on making? I've already counted twenty seven, TWENTY SEVEN sweet potato pies!" I complained as I sat at my parents kitchen table. The kitchen table had been commandeered as my mom's sweet potato pie station and my job was to box each one up and wrap them with a burnt orange bow. 

"Kyree watch your tone honey. Now I've told you already, these pies are for our neighbors, your aunt and uncles, some folks down at the nursing home, Pastor Healy and his family, there's one for Sharon, and I even made a few for you to take back to school with you." My mother responded as she continued to mix up more sweet potato pie ingredients in her mixing bowl.

"Sharon's greedy as--behind doesn't need any pie! But I would greatly appreciate some to take back to school." I said with a wide smile. My mom could definitely throw down in the kitchen.

"Im sending you back with three, now stop smiling like that, you are such a troublemaker! After you finish boxes up these pies, can you please help me make a few deliveries?" She asked.

"Mom we just spent half the day making pies and you want to deliver them too? Why can't these moochers come pick up their pie from here?" I countered as she was doing the absolute most.

"Kyree, boy why can't you be more giving? I did not raise you to be like this, young man. Get it into the holiday spirit! And it's alright if you don't wanna go with me, I can manage it by myself." My mom said giving me a look of disappointment.

"I'll go with you sheesh. I'm just saying this is a bit crazy, you went a little overboard this year. But I know you mean well, this town just doesn't deserve you!" I stated as I acquiesced to go with her. But I was truly speaking in earnest. My mom really was a remarkable person.

My mom, Carly Galveston, is a quaint, well-to-do, full-time wife and mom who both my father and I adored. She was vibrant and had the warmest heart I had ever known. I mean she literally tried to help out everyone in our hometown from friends, neighbors, family, and shit even strangers. My mom was like a saint and she loved to make things, tend to her magnificent garden, and bake food like all the time. You would think she would have grown fat by all the baked goods she made, but they were seldom for her. They were for the schools, our church, neighbors, and whomever was going through something that she felt could help.

With Thanksgiving coming up in two days, I knew for sure we would be spending a lot of time visiting the homeless and getting our house in order to accommodate our dinner guests. But I found myself preoccupied with so many other things. To say the least, I was super anxious to get back to school!

But another part of me wanted to snoop around my family a bit more and ask my parents a few questions. The only problem with that was my dad still had not come home from his 'business' dealings that he left out on in July! Mom assured me that he would be home tomorrow evening, on the eve of Thanksgiving. I was half-convinced he went out and formed another family. If he did, I would cast a spell that he wouldn't soon forget for cheating on mom.

Oh yeah, subtle slip, I could sort of cast spells now. Well I would say that there more potions than anything else. It was like I suddenly very interested in the laws of science. Nate and Connie had opened me up to a whole new world and thought process, magic was fucking real! Witch craft and spells, magical amulets, rings, and a whole bunch of other shit! But it wasn't like the movies and old TV shows, I couldn't wiggle my nose, rhyme, or chant a few Latin words to cast a spell. Nope, pretty dull to admit, but the power of performing magic lied in one's ability to follow a recipe. Connie had access to these ancient books, that smelled like straight ass, but contained hundreds of spells, methodologies, rules, and even worship of deities and dark entities. To say the least, much of the context was kind of dark. Connie had even said that she was only showing me the PG books, there was much darker, gruelsome texts out there. While I was drawn to learning about creating potions I wasn't at all enthused nor interested in worshipping demons and shit. And a lot of the elements of witchcraft was satanic from what I've read in the books Connie had.

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