Wynonna Earp

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A/n: She tells Nicole that she loves you but is too scared to say it.

No One'she Pov:
Wynonna found herself wandering the police station with a bottle of jack in hand, today you and her had taken on another group of Bobo's crownes this one much larger than the last you with your hand knives blessed with holy water and her with peacemaker they stood no chance. During the battle, however, Wynonna took a rather graceless fall and was now trapped in the arms of a revinate with a gun to her head. He was about to shoot when you threw a knife into his shoulder. It pierced its shoulder violently searing the dead flesh he dropped Wynonna long enough to where she could blow him back to hell with peacemaker. You helped her up and made sure she was okay gently patting  Wynonna for wounds and gliding over small scratches. Wynonna said she was fine, and you against your better judgement kissed her cheek shocking the women. You smirked at the stunned Wynonna and left the forest leaving Wynonna to ride back to the homestead alone with her thoughts but instead of going home she turned into town bought the cheapest booze and headed to the police station looking for her sister.

Now her she was slightly buzzed and still looking for Waverly, Nicole was putting in some late hours of paperwork when she noticed the women for the fifth time.

Ni: "Wynonna what are you doing?" Wynonna paused the wandering and stops in officer Haught's office doorway.

Wy: "Oh I'm looking for Waverly," she says drinking from the half-full bottle Nicole knew Wynonna to drink but when she pulled out the hard stuff Nicole knew something was wrong.

Ni: "What's wrong Wynonna"

Wy: "Oh well I was almost shot today and I think I'm in love with Y/n so yeah it's all good Haught"  Nicole's jaw dropped, Wynonna waved it off and took another sip.

Ni: "Waves at Shorties tonight" Wynonna gives a thumbs up and walks out of the office Nicole still looks in disbelief at the doorway.

Wynonna Earp in love 

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