Lena Luther

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A/n: After being friends for a very long time Lena finally decides to ask you out on a date

Lena's Pov:

"Ms. Luther what brings you to CAT CO" James asked me with a friendly smile I smiled back and begin to walk towards the offices of the employee's looking for one, in particular, James follows behind the me tracking my eyes.

Le:" Don't worry James I'm not here to talk business I'm looking for someone" I continued to walk searching for the familiar y/h/c girl. I was halfway into the office when I spotted her, she sat at her desk anxiously chewing on the end of a red pen her beautiful y/e/c eyes were focused on the computer screen in front of her, her eyes faltered and looked up meeting mine a warmth spread inside of my chest she smiled and set the pen down getting up from her desk and walking over to me I heard James stop when Y/n finally meets me in the middle she gives me one of her famous bears hugs.

Ja: "I guess I'll leave you two to talk," James says and walks away Y/n pulls away and stands in front of me.

Y/n: "Lena what brings you here?" she askes much like James but with a happy glint in her voice

Le:"You actually" 

Y/n:" Me?" she askes sarcastically I giggle at her antics and she laughs too

Le:"Yeah I came to tell you something" she nods

Le:"Well you see there is this restaurant that is known for its amazing food and I was hoping that you would accompany me to it, maybe even tonight " I said smoothly almost as if it didn't matter but internally I was screaming. She gave me a little smile that turned into her slightly bit her lip.

Y/n:" Did you just ask me on a date" she said coy like

Le:"What would your answer be if I did"  she giggled

Y/n:"Of course I'll go on a date with you Lena"


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