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ADEMIA rushes to her wardrobe after the texts with Ben. She needs to get ready quick if she wants to meet him on time. Quickly brushing her hair out she threw on a light sweater, and a pair of ripped jeans. Ademia wasn't big on lots of makeup, but she applies some mascara and some light lip gloss before checking her appearance. Content with what she saw, Ademia grabs her bag and keys and heads for her car.

The girl plugs the address into her GPS and is on her way. On her way to the diner, Ademia was caught up on one thought, "is this a date?" Remembering the first time Ademia met Ben she smiles, she was running late to her first day of work and ran into someone outside the building. Ademia remembered looking up at the man she had run into and saw Ben staring down at her. Ademia found the blonde boy quite attractive, but she suspected she'd never see him again after that. Little did she know, she was working on the same movie he was.

Pulling into the small parking lot of the diner, the girl sighed, reminding herself they were just friends and this wasn't a date. How could it be? They have only known each other for a short few weeks. She was glad he texted her though, she did want to better know the boy. Locking her car, she heads toward the door of the diner noticing Ben already sitting in a booth near the window. Smiling to herself, she walks into the cozy restaurant and makes her way to the booth Ben is sitting at. The blonde boy looks up smiling at the girl as she sits down. The two sit together in silence for a while, just observing each other. It wasn't awkward for either of the two. An older woman clears her throat causing the young adults to break their concentration on each other.

Smiling fondly at the two, she asks for their orders. Ben orders for the both, two chocolate milkshakes and some fries. Waiting on their food, Ben decides to speak up, "How are you, Ademia?"

Ademia sends him a smile before answering, "I'm good, how are you, Ben?" She cringes slightly to herself, that's all she could come up with.

"I'm great, actually," he smiles, "I'm glad you agreed to come, I really do want to get to know you." Ademia smiles at how genuine Ben sounds.

Before she could respond their waitress returns with the order. Ademia gives a quiet thank you and turns back to Ben. "I'm glad you invited me," a slight blush forms on her cheeks as she continues, "I was actually thinking in the car, about how I would like to get to know you better as well."

As the night goes on, the couple learns more and more about each other. They share the basics like favorite movie, favorite band, and favorite foods. They also share a few stories from their childhoods. Ben tells cheesy jokes and pick up lines causing Ademia to laugh at him. Ben loves the sound of her laugh. By the end of the night, Ademia knows she is in trouble. She didn't just think Ben is handsome, she's now falling for his personality too. Ben feels the same way.

Their goodbyes consist of a hug and then a wave from their cars. Ademia drives home that night with a smile on her face, and butterflies in her stomach.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love [B. HARDY]Where stories live. Discover now