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 The pub was packed. Ademia was not expecting that many people to go. She was under the impression that it was a party for the cast, crew, and friends and family, but she was wrong. Bodies were everywhere and she felt very overwhelmed. She had lost Ben a while ago, and she was desperate to find him. Sure this night was originally for her to get to know her coworkers a little better, but now she mainly wanted to hang out with Ben. The way Ademia felt when she was with Ben was incredible, she craved to be with the boy.

Making her way to the bar, she decided to order a drink before continuing her search for Ben. While waiting for her drink, Lyla and Joe approached her. Ademia smiled at the two, but her smile faltered when she noticed Ben with someone else behind the two. Lyla spoke pulling her best friend out of her trance, "Ad, what's wrong? Are you alright."

Ademia shook her head slightly at her two friends before answering, "Yeah, I'm alright. Just need some fresh air is all."

She started to walk away from the two and head for the front door when Joe called after her, "Do you want us to come with?" A small shake of the blonde's head told them her answer. On her way toward the door, she passed Ben, who was obliviously dancing with one of the other assistants on set. Ademia chuckled to herself as she walked passed him, and you thought he was into you.

Lucy saw the scene unfold, and started after Ademia. While chasing after the girl she bumped into Rami who was coming back from the bar with their drinks. She quickly told him what had happened and continued after the girl. Once she had made it out of the pub and into the cold night she heard small sobs coming from the girl sitting on the curb. Lucy quietly sat next to her and placed an arm around her shoulder pulling her into an embrace. "Ademia?" She questioned. The only response she received was a small sigh that eventually turned into a shaky sob.

Soon Ademia pulled herself together enough to speak, "Am I stupid?" She questioned. Confused by her question, Lucy asked what she meant.

"Am I stupid," Ademia questioned again, "Am I stupid for think I had a chance with Ben?" After those words had left her lips she started crying again. Lucy pulled the blonde closer to her, letting her cry into her side. She didn't know what to say, because from what she knew, Ben liked the girl back. Apparently, he visited Rami after their little date and couldn't stop gushing about Ademia. With that knowledge, Lucy was confused on why Ben was inside dancing with another girl and Ademia was sitting outside crying.

She had an idea, she stood up pulling the crying girl up with her, "Stop crying." Just that simple phrase got Ademia to start calming herself down and look at Lucy, waiting for her to continue. "You are going to pull yourself together and go back into that pub. You are going to get drunk and dance your ass off with me, and most importantly you are going to forget about Ben Hardy." The small blonde smiled at Lucy before grabbing her hand and heading back into the pub. She was not going to let one boy ruin her night.

She and Lucy re-entered the pub and headed toward the bar, Ademia needed a drink. She ordered a cocktail for herself and Lucy, the waiter returned with the two drinks and told her it was covered. Glancing to her left to see who had paid, she let out a laugh when she saw it was Rami. Lucy smiled at him fondly, while Ademia raised her glass in his direction. After finishing her drink she headed out to the dance floor with Lucy. The girl danced like no one was watching her and began to enjoy her night. That was until someone grabbed her hips. She quickly spun around ready to give that person a piece of her mind, until she saw who it was. Ademia scoffed and started to walk away from him, but he started following her.

With anger in her voice she turned back around to face him, "Just leave me alone Ben, I'm really not in the mood right now." The smile dropped from the boy's face as confusion made its way into his features. A small sense of regret started to fill Ademia, but she continued, "Oh don't act like that, you don't know what you did."

Confusion masked Ben's face now, "Ademia, I really don't know what I've done to upset you, but I'm sorry." He hoped that would work, he didn't like that Ademia was mad at him.

Rolling her eyes, she continued, "You aren't sorry, you're just saying that." Ademia started to sway and Ben realized the girl was drunk. Quickly grabbing a hold of her, he started toward the door.

"Get your hands off of me," the girl growled.

Ben abruptly stopped, finally starting to lose his temper, "You're drunk and causing a scene, I'm taking you home."

Laughter filled his ears as she spoke, "I bet you want to take that bimbo home more than me." It was like a light bulb went off, Ben figured out she saw him dancing with Marie earlier.

Shaking his head slightly, he looked down at her, "Are you talking about me dancing with Marie? Because I can promise you nothing is going on there."

Ademia scoffed, "If that's her name then yes, but how can I believe nothing is going on when I saw you grinding on her?"

A small smile formed on Ben face when she said that, "Because I only have eyes for one girl," sighing her stepped closer to Ademia, "And that girl is you."

Ademia gasped at his confession, but she was still confused about why he was dancing with another girl. She stepped back, "If that's true, then why were you dancing with someone else?"

Ben sighed and rubbed a hand down his face, "She asked me to dance, and I didn't want to be rude, but to be honest, I really wanted to say no." He looked at her with a hopeful look in his eyes as he stepped even closer.

The girl chuckled to herself and stepped closer as well, "Well now I feel stupid," she said, right before she smashed her lips against his. 

*this was not edited very well, so sorry if it sucks :)*

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