Reckless And Relentless

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A/N: I dont own any of the characters in this fanfic that arent made up nor do I promote stealing which happens through out the story. this story starts from before asking alexandria was really famous or even started performing and touring in america.


"there" I dropped my black messanger bag down on the floor infront of the cashier. "im sorry miss but its a new rule, you cant carry any bags past this point. its just incase" I rolled my eyes and walked past him. My name is Cassie Grove, and I live in the UK. I dont live anywhere in particular, but right now im in England, Nottingham. I dont have a home so i move all over the place but I dont leave the UK. I would never go to america or anywhere else. Im 17 years old, im 5'2 so im kinda short, I have long black hair with blue and purple ends, I have a few tattoos since I cant afford a bunch like I want, I have a nose piercing, and peircing blue eyes. Ive lived in the UK for all my life, especially one of their orphanages in London till I ran away at 14. I never knew my parents and I dont think I want to, if they gave me up then they obviously dont want to meet me either. I looked around the store at all the band t-shirts hanging on the walls of the one and only hottopic. My eyes landed on a korn t-shirt, an american band. I love their music and always wanted one of their shirts. I took the shirt out of the cubbie and unfold it as I walk to the dressing room thats thankfully empty. I take off my lucky leather jacket and my misfits shirt and try it on. Once im done admiring this beautiful peice of band merch I ripped the tags off and put my misfits shirt over it along with my leather jacket. I walk out calmy and quietly return to looking at the shirts, the cashier was reclining in his stool against the counter with his nose in a magazine. They seem to have more American bands then others.I grabbed a guns and roses mens shirt and return to the dressing room and repeated the process but tucked the ends in my ripped leather jeans. I walked back to the cashier and grabbed my bag. "I cant afford anything in here yet, ill be back eventually" he nodded and let me leave in peace. (A/N: I DO NOT PROMOTE STEALING AND PLEASE DO NOT GO STEAL AFTER READING THIS) Ive been stealing for 3 years now and it doesnt seem to bother me. I walked out of the mall and made a quick turn for the alley. I walked to the end and approached my best and only friend besides maybe 3 people, Adrian. "whatd you get me?" I tossed him my bag and took off my leather jacket and misfit shirt revealing the gun and roses shirt. "sweet" he said while reaching his hand out for it. I took it off and handed it to him. I put my misfits shirt in my bag and put my leather jacket over the korn shirt. "i got the clothes, now you get the food" I smiled. He groaned and handed me the suitcase handle. This suitcase contains everything me and adrian both own, one of us always stays behind with it while the other is doing something alone so nothing happens to it. It contains Clothes, toothbrushes, brushes, an ipod, and a labtop we actually saved up for, etc. Me and him have been on our own for 3 years. He was in the orphanage with me and we ran away together, he came to the orphanage when I was 5 and he was 6 and he was suprisingly american. He was was separated from his parents while visiting a family friend in london and was found wondering the streets, but nobody came back for him. Adrian is 18 years old now, 5'7, short blounde hair, many tattoos since he does favors for them, and dazzling green eyes. "could you get me some eyeliner too? im all out" he groaned again but nodded. "should I get you some chips too?" he emphasized chips with a British accent mocking mine. I shoved him playfully while he laughed. "just get something, im starving" "ok meet me at the spot" I nodded and waved goodbye as we parted ways. we have meeting places to meet back up at but we have one main one that we meet up at twords the end of the day, Its at a music store. I walked throught the cold streets till the store finally came into veiw, I started to jog to the store. I was feet away from the door when it swung open and I ran into the one who opened it. their bag fell out of their hand spilling the cd's that were once in it. "im so sorry, I wasnt watching where I was going" I said as I helped him gather his things. "its fine" he had messy black hair that went to his shoulders with bangs that swept infront of his forhead, he wore a leather jacket with ripped black jeans and a black tank top, I couldnt see his eyes due to the sunglasses he was wearing, and had a few peircings. "are any of them broken?" he looked at all of them and held one up, it was a skid row cd with a crack on the case. "its just a case, its fine" we stood up in sync as we grabbed our things. "im cameron" he held his hand out for me to shake it. "im cassie" I shook his hand and quickly returned my hand to my pocket. "whats with the suitcase?" I slid it behind me. "nothing" he nodded. "id love to find out if youd like to hang out sometime" he smiled. I laughed a bit as I went past him and opened the door. "maybe, if I see you again" he followed me into the store. "and how will I contact you" I stopped in my tracks and turned twords him. he was definitely taller then me, it was a bit intimidating. "youll just have to hope youll see me again." he smiled and took off his sunglasses revealing his dark brown eyes and handed them to me. "now youll have to come find me" he said as he started to walk away. Once he was outside he hopped into the back seat of a car with what looked like 4 other people that I could see since the windows were down.  I put the sunglasses on the top of my head and smiled. I guess ill have to find him now.

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